
Vhodno-izhodna krmilniška kartica
ID Koren, Jaka (Author), ID Trost, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V zaključni nalogi je predstavljeno načrtovanje vhodno-izhodne krmilniške kartice, ki bo uporabljena na avtomatskih linijah za nastavljanje osvetlitve pri zajemanju slike s kamero, nastavljanje in kontroliranje pozicije motorjev, branje digitalnih senzorjev in nekaterih analognih veličin. Kartica omogoča različne vrste komunikacije z zunanjim svetom. Na kartici sta vmesnika RS-232 in RS-485, ki veljata sicer za počasni, ampak še vedno zelo zanesljivi komunikaciji in se ju zato v industriji še naprej uporablja. Poleg tega imamo implementiran še ethernet vmesnik. RS-485 vmesnik je speljan na priključek, ki bo povezan na letev DIN, preko katerega bodo lahko komunicirale naprave med seboj. Kartico napajamo s 24 V enosmerne napetosti iz glavne elektro omare. Načrtovanje smo začeli z določitvijo specifikacij naprave, glede na potrebe podjetja, nato smo naredili blokovno shemo, kjer smo okvirno zasnovali postavitev elementov na tiskanem vezju. Naslednji korak je bila izbira elementov, risanje sheme ter postavitev elementov na tiskano vezje v programu Altium Designer. Pred načrtovanjem, smo opravili simulacije kritičnih delov tiskanega vezja, ter si s tem pomagali, pri postavitvi in izbiranju pravilnih vrednosti komponent. Glavno vezje kartice je krmiljeno z mikroprocesorjem STM32F407. Za periferni procesor smo uporabili enostavnejši in cenejši 8-bitni STM-ov mikroprocesor STM8S103K3, ki deluje kot uporabniški vmesnik, za kontroliranje signalnih LED diod in branje tipk. Programsko kodo smo razvili z odprtokodnim programom System Workbench for STM32, za nastavitev celotne periferije pa smo uporabili program STM32CubeMx.

Keywords:tiskano vezje, Altium Designer, LT Spice, analogno-digitalna pretvorba, digitalno-analogna pretvorba, STM32, STM8
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108498 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.07.2019
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Title:Input/Output Controller Card
In my final thesis, I will present the design procedure of the input-output controller card, which will be used on automatic assembly lines for adjusting the lightning in image capture and adjusting and controlling the position of motors. It will be also able to read digital and analogue sensors and control some analogue and digital outputs. The device is enabling various communications for the interaction with the outside world. The device is connected through RS-232 and RS-485 interfaces, which are considered to be slow, but nonetheless very reliable communications and therefore they are still being used in the industry. The device has also a faster ethernet interface. The RS-485 interface will be used for communication between devices, and it is connected to DIN lath, below the device. The device is powered with 24 V DC that takes power from the main electro box. The first design step was to write down all the device specifications based on the needs of the company. Then we made the block diagram in order to plan the basic layout and position of the elements on the PCB. Next step was to select the elements, design the electric scheme and to deploy the elements on the printed circuits board using Altium Designer. We carried out simulations of critical parts of the printed circuits board with LT Spice, which helped us in deploying and choosing the correct values for components. The main PCB is controlled with microprocessor STM32F407. The additional microprocessor is a simpler and cheaper 8-bit STM microprocessor STM8S103K3 that operates as a user interface, for controlling the signal LED diodes and reading the buttons. The program code was developed with the open source software System Workbench for STM32. To set the whole periphery we used the program STM32CubeMX.

Keywords:printed circuits board, Altium Designer, LT Spice, ADC, DAC, STM32, STM8

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