
Vpliv jemanja drog v nosečnosti na otročnico in novorojenčka : diplomsko delo
ID Skočir, Eva (Author), ID Mlinar, Suzana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uvod: Zloraba drog v nosečnosti je škodljiva za nosečnico in plod. Posledice so sicer odvisne od vrste, količine in kombinacije drog, ki jih nosečnica uživa, a so vselej negativne. Novorojenčki se pogosto rodijo prezgodaj, s prenizko porodno težo, s številnimi zdravstvenimi zapleti, višjo stopnjo mrtvorojenosti. Tudi kasneje imajo pogosto težave pri fizičnem in kognitivnem razvoju ter živijo v okolju, kjer so izpostavljeni številnim dejavnikom, ki že sami vplivajo na negativen razvoj posameznika. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti kratkoročne in dolgoročne posledice jemanja nedovoljenih drog v nosečnosti za plod, novorojenčka oz. otroka, ter opisati odnos med otročnico, ki je odvisna od drog, in njenim novorojenčkom oz. otrokom. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu je uporabljena deskriptivna metoda dela. Opravljen je bil sistematičen pregled znanstvene in strokovne literature, napisane v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku. Iskanje literature je potekalo od maja 2018 do aprila 2019. Iskali smo v bazah podatkov CINAHL, PUBMED in MEDLINE ter prek sistema COBISS+. Rezultati: Kratkoročna posledica jemanja opioidov v nosečnosti je pojav neonatalnega abstinenčnega sindroma, ki vključuje širok spekter simptomov in se začne kazati v roku 72 ur po rojstvu ter lahko traja do 6 mesecev po porodu. Neonatalni abstinenčni sindrom se razvije tudi v primeru, da se nosečnica zdravi z nadomestnim zdravljenjem z metadonom. Potrebno ga je zdraviti, cilj zdravljenja pa je ob čim manjši sedaciji pomiriti novorojenčka. Novorojenček ima težave pri uravnavanju svojega notranjega okolja z zunanjim in doživlja hud stres. Dolgoročne posledice se pogosto kažejo kot zmanjšane kognitivne sposobnosti, težave pri samoobvladovanju in vedenjske težave, težave s spominom, težave z motoriko, večja nagnjenost k nasilju, težave pri navezovanju stikov in večja verjetnost, da bodo tudi sami uživali droge. Zloraba drog vpliva tudi na odnos med materjo in otrokom, matere odvisnice so pogosto nezainteresirane za skrb za svojega otroka, izkazujejo manj empatije in materinstvo zaznavajo kot zelo zahtevno nalogo. Otroke pogosto vzgajajo v neoptimalnem okolju. Razprava in zaključek: Raziskovanje obravnavanega področja je težavno, zato se tudi rezultati raziskav pogosto razlikujejo med sabo. Težko je namreč natančno določiti, kateri izmed mnogih dejavnikov je vplival na posameznika. Na potek in razplet zdravljenja pogosto vplivajo tudi zdravstveni delavci s svojim vedenjem, ki je pogosto odklonilno in obsojajoče, saj imajo pri tem nemajhno vlogo predsodki in pomanjkanje znanja. Vsi, ki se pri svojem delu soočajo z nosečnicami in otročnicami, ki so odvisne od drog, bi potrebovali dodatna izobraževanja, da bi jih bolje razumeli in jim znali pomagati.

Keywords:odvisnost, nosečnost, nedovoljene droge, neonatalni abstinenčni sindrom, novorojenček, razvoj
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108495 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5651307 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.07.2019
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of drug abuse during pregnancy on the mother and her infant : diploma work
Introduction: The drug abuse during pregnancy is equally harmful to a woman as it is to a fetus. The consequences however depend on the type, quantity and combination of drugs the pregnant woman is taking. Nevertheless, the effect of drugs is always negative. The newborns are often born prematurely, underweight, with numerous health problems. Furthermore, the drug abuse also increases the chances of stillbirth. Even later on in life, the children have many problems in physical and cognitive developement that are emphasized also because of the environment they live in where they are exposed to many factors that have a negative impact on the individual's development. Purpose: The purpose of the following diploma work is to present short-term and long-term consequences the drug abuse during pregnancy has on the fetus, newborn/child and to describe the relationship between the drug addicted puerpera and her newborn. Methods: In the following diploma, the descriptive method of work is used. A systematic overview of scientific and technical literature, written in Slovene and English, was performed. The literature search took place from April 2018 to May 2018. We searched through CINAHL, PUBMED and MEDLINE databases, and through the COBISS + system. Results: The short-term effects of taking opioids in pregnancy are the reason behind neonatal abstinence syndrome, which includes a wide range of symptoms and begins to show within 72 hours after birth and can last up to 6 months after delivery. Neonatal abstinence syndrome also occurs when the pregnant woman is treated with methadone replacement therapy. The treatement is neccesary as its main goal is to calm the newborn down with minimal sedation. The newborn has difficulties with regulating his inner environment with the outside while experiencing a severe stress. Long-term consequences are often seen as reduced cognitive abilities, problems with self-control and behavioral problems, memory problems, motor problems, increased propensity for violence, difficulties in making contact, children are also more likely to use drugs themselves. Drug abuse also affects the relationship between the mother and the child, the addicted mothers are oftentimes disinterested in taking care of their child, they display less empathy, and maternity is perceived as a very demanding task. Children are often raised in a sub-optimal environment. Discussion and conclusion: Researching on the subject area is difficult, therefor the results of researches often differ from one another. It is difficult to precisely determine which of many factors has affected the individual. Healthcare workers are often influenced by their own prejudices and condemnation that combined with the lack of knowledge can result in the subpar treatment of the patient. All those who work with pregnant women and puerperae who are dependent on drugs would need/should undergo additional training in order to understand these women better and to help them accordingly when needed.

Keywords:drug dependency, pregnancy, illicit drugs, the neonatal abstinence syndrome, newborn, developement

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