
Navezovalna teorija v skladnji madžarskega jezika: Anaforični izrazi
ID Černe, Peter (Author), ID Marvin Derganc, Tatjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Navezovalno načelo A je poleg načela B in C eno od treh načel, s katerimi operira navezovalna teorija (Chomsky 1980, 1981), ko preučuje navezovalna razmerja med samostalniškimi in predložnimi zvezami v strukturi stavka in tako podaja sodbe o njeni slovničnosti oziroma neslovničnosti. Je generalizacija, ki velja izključno za urejanje navezovalnih razmerij med anaforičnimi izrazi in njihovimi naveznicami. Najpogostejša tipa anaforičnih izrazov sta povratni osebni zaimek in vzajemnostni zaimek. Anaforični izrazi nimajo pomena sami v sebi. Dobijo ga namreč od drugih sestavnikov v stavku in s tem postanejo z njimi koreferenčni. Navezovalna teorija se preko načela A ukvarja s tem, od katerega sestavnika v stavku anaforični izraz dobi pomen in pod katerimi izpolnjenimi pogoji je to mogoče. Tako se izkristalizirajo omejitve za interpretiranje samostalniških in predložnih zvez v stavku, ki jih je mogoče aplicirati tudi na skladnjo madžarskega jezika. V madžarščini se lahko naveznice in anaforični izrazi nahajajo v vlogi različnih stavčnih členov. Rezultat tega je veliko število možnosti navezovalnih razmerij. Med temi možnostmi je v madžarščini pogosto dokaj jasno, kako se je v stavku navezovanje vzpostavilo, spet drugič pa so razmere kompleksnejše. Jasnost utemeljitve za koreferenčnost dveh sestavnikov zamegli neobičajna udeleženska vezljivost glagolov čustvenih stanj. Izziv predstavlja utemeljitev slovničnosti anaforičnega izraza v osebkovi poziciji. Naletimo pa tudi na razmere, v katerih koindeksirana sestavnika s-poveljujeta eden drugemu in je vendarle eden od njiju v vlogi s-poveljevalne naveznice, drugi pa navezana anafora. Razlaga za takšne pojave ni očitna, omenjeni pojavi pa kažejo na dejstvo, da madžarski jezik v svoji navezovalni teoriji za vzpostavitev navezovalnega razmerja zahteva izpolnitev dodatnih pogojev.

Keywords:navezovalno načelo A, anaforični izraz, naveznica, s-poveljevanje, skladnja madžarskega jezika
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108450 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.07.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Binding Theory in the Syntax of Hungarian: Anaphoric Expressions
Binding Principle A is one of the three principles which the Binding Theory (Chomsky 1980, 1981) operates with when it examines the binding relations of noun phrases and prepositional phrases in the structure of a sentence and explains the grammaticality judgements (besides Binding Principles B and C). It is a generalization which holds exclusively for determining the binding relations between anaphoric expressions and their antecedents. The two most common anaphoric expressions are the reflexive pronoun and the reciprocal pronoun. Anaphoric expressions themselves do not have a meaning. They receive it from the other constituents in the sentence and they simultaneously become coreferenced with them. The Binding Theory is by means of Binding Principle A concerned with how an anaphoric expression receives meaning, i.e. what conditions need to be fulfilled. The constraints on the sentence interpretation can be also applied to the syntax of the Hungarian language. In Hungarian, anaphoric expressions as well as their antecedents can realize various sentence elements. Consequently, quite many different types of binding relations are possible. Among those the binding relations between constituents are often fairly apparent. However, Hungarian also displays some cases of greater intricacy. The clarity of the explanation for the binding of two constituents is blurred by the unusual distribution of thematic roles displayed by the psychological verbs. It is also quite demanding to provide a legitimate justification for the grammaticality of anaphora in subject position. Lastly, there are cases in which coindexed constituents c-command each other and one is bound by the other nevertheless. The explanation for phenomena like that is not obvious, it is, however, a fact that the Binding Theory in Hungarian demands the fulfillment of some additional conditions in order to form a binding relation.

Keywords:Binding Principle A, anaphoric expression, antecedent, c-command, syntax of Hungarian

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