
Dramatika Saše Pavček
ID Semič, Ana (Author), ID Pezdirc-Bartol, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo v središče zanimanja postavlja dramatiko priznane slovenske igralke, profesorice, esejistke, pesnice in dramatičarke Saše Pavček. Analiza zajema štiri dramske tekste (Čisti vrelec ljubezni, Al' en al' dva?, Pod snegom in Arijo) ter se osredotoča na primerjavo dramskih oseb, motivov, tem in jezika. Dramskih oseb je v obravnavanih besedilih relativno malo, vsaj ena izmed njih je stigmatizirana ali pa se spopada z izgubo bližnjega, v kar treh analiziranih dramah se posamezniki soočajo s krizo identitete. Zapletene medosebne odnose povezujeta temi ljubezni in umetnosti, v enem izmed del zasledimo tudi temo terorizma. Za obravnavane drame je značilna raznolikost dramske forme (tragikomedija, monokomedija, dramska balada in enodejanka) in jezika (narečje, nemški izrazi, vulgarizmi, sleng, zaznamovan besedni red, privzdignjeni jezik …) ter vsaj delno odprt konec.

Keywords:Saša Pavček, dramatičarke, sodobna slovenska dramatika, medosebni odnosi
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108442 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.07.2019
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Title:The plays of Saša Pavček
The bachelor’s thesis focuses on the plays of the well known Slovenian actress, professor, essayist, poet and playwright Saša Pavček. The analysis consists of four plays - Čisti vrelec ljubezni (A Spring of Pure Love), Al’ en al’ dva? (One or Two), Pod snegom (Under the Snow) and Arija (Aria) - and concentrates on the comparison of the characters, motifs, themes and language. The plays feature a fairly small amount of characters and at least one of these characters is stigmatized or is dealing with the loss of a loved one. Moreover, in three out of four plays the characters are facing an identity crisis. The complex personal relations of the characters are connected with the themes of love and art and even - in one of the plays - terrorism. Different dramatic forms are characteristic of the analysed plays (tragicomedy, one person comedy, ballad used as a dramatic form and one-act play), as well as are different styles of language (dialects, German expressions, vulgarisms, slang, marked word order, heightened language) and, to a certain extent, an open ending.

Keywords:Saša Pavček, women playwrights, modern Slovene drama, interpersonal relations

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