
Obravnava izbranih avtorskih slikanic - Lauren Child: Čarli in Lola
ID Vidmar, Urška (Author), ID Blažič, Milena Mileva (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo z naslovom Obravnava izbranih avtorskih slikanic – Lauren Child: Čarli in Lola vsebuje teoretični in empirični del. V teoretičnem delu je najprej opredeljeno branje ter pomen branja, nekaj besed pa je namenjenih medijem, predvsem risanki. Sledi definicija slikanice, funkcije slikanice ter zgodovina slikanice, torej kako se je slikanica razvijala skozi čas. Po teoriji Marjane Kobe je predstavljena tudi zahtevnostna stopnja slikanic, opredeljeni pa so tudi tipi slikanic. Opredelila sem pomen slikanice v predšolskem obdobju, ilutracije v slikanici ter avtorsko slikanico in razlike med njo ter soavtorsko slikanico. Na kratko so nato predstavljene nekatere slovenske avtorske slikanice. V nadaljevanju sledi predstavitev avtorice Lauren Child ter opis njenega življenja in dela. Zatem sledi opis izbranih avtorskih slikanic o Čarliju in Loli. Izbrane avtorske slikanice Paradižnika ne bom nikoli niti pokusila, Nisem zaspana in ne bom šla spat ter Za šolo sem absolutno še premajhna sem analizirala po teoriji Marjane Kobe (Sodobna pravljica, 1999). Cilj mojega empričnega dela je, da otroke seznanim s pojmom slikanica in avtorska slikanica ter da spoznajo pet ključnih elementov slikanice, in sicer glavnega junaka, čas, prostor, zaplet in razplet. Zanima me, ali znajo po branju ob ilustracijah brez spodbud obnoviti slikanico. Moj cilj je tudi, da si ob koncu izdelajo svojo avtorsko slikanico. V empiričnem delu sem otrokom pripravila več dejavnosti v povezavi s tremi obravnavanimi slikanicami. Po prebrani slikanici so sledile obogatitvene dejavnosti, saj sem želela, da so branje in dejavnosti po njem za otroke pozitivna izkušnja.

Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108421 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12494665 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.07.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Interpretation of the selected picture books by Lauren Child – Charlie and Lola
The thesis titled Interpretation of the selected picture books by Lauren Child - Charlie and Lola is divided into the theoretical and empirical part. In the teoretical part the first thing defined is reading and the meaning of reading, and a few words that are intended for media, mostly cartoons. After that comes the definition of picture books, the function of picture books and the history of picture books, so how did the picture book was developed through time. The difficulty of picture books is also presented, based on the teory of Marjana Kobe, and the types of picture books are defined. I explained the importance of picture books in pre school age and the ilustrations in picture books. I also defined the autor`s picture book and the differences between it and the co-autor`s picture book. After that, some Slovenian author picture books are shortly presented. The presentation of autor Lauren Child and the description of her life and work follow. Then I described selected picture books about Charlie and Lola. I analised the selected picture books Paradižnika ne bom nikoli niti pokusila (I Will Never Not Even Eat a Tomato), Nisem zaspana in ne bom šla spat (I Am Not Sleepy and I Will Not Go to Bed) and Za šolo sem absolutno še premajhna (I Am Absolutely Too Small for School) according to the theory of Marjana Kobe (Sodobna pravljica, 1999). The objective of the empirical part is to introduce a concept of a picture book and the autor`s picture book to children and to learn about five key elements of picture book (main character, time, space, plot and resolution). I am interested in whether the children can summarize the picture books after reading them, using illustrations and whitout any incentive. One of the goals is also that, at the end, the children create an author's picture book of their own. In the empirical part, I prepared a number of activities for children in connection to the three selected picture books. After I read the picture books, the activities for enrichment followed, because I wanted the reading and activities after it to be a positive experience for children.

Keywords:picture book

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