
Vključevanje specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov v športno-gibalne aktivnosti kot preventiva poklicnemu stresu
ID Deutsch Sodnik, Ana (Author), ID Jerman, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5805/ This link opens in a new window

S stresom se pravzaprav srečujemo vsi in se mu ni moč izogniti. Tudi na delovnih mestih smo pogosto izpostavljeni različnim stresnim dejavnikom. Delo specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov je zahtevno, saj morajo pri svojem delu usklajevati številne stvari. Vpeti so v obravnavo in individualno delo z otroki, sodelovanje s starši, sodelavci, zunanjimi institucijami, upoštevati morajo zahteve vodstva vzgojno-izobraževalne institucije ter se ves čas strokovno izpopolnjevati. Vse to jih postavlja pred dejavnike, ki nanje delujejo stresno. Ljudje smo različni in se različno odzivamo na stresorje ter tako doživljamo stres povsem individualno. Vsak posameznik lahko izbere svojo vrsto aktivnosti, s katero si preventivno pomaga pri stresu. Ključno vprašanje, na katero smo želeli z raziskavo v magistrskem delu odgovoriti, je bilo, ali se specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagogi vključujejo v športno-gibalne aktivnosti kot preventiva poklicnemu stresu in koliko jim le-to pomaga. Pri raziskovalnem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno in kavzalno neeksperimentalno metodo pedagoškega raziskovanja ter kvantitativni raziskovalni pristop. Raziskovali smo na neslučajnostnem vzorcu specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov (N=120). Anketni vprašalnik smo v elektronski obliki posredovali specialnim in rehabilitacijskim pedagogom zaposlenim v vzgoji in izobraževanju, v Republiki Sloveniji. Rezultati, ki smo jih z raziskavo pridobili, so pokazali, da so specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagogi izpostavljeni poklicnemu stresu, pri čemer ni statistično pomembnih razlik glede na delovno mesto, ki ga zasedajo. Ugotovili smo, da specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagogi, ki so stari 35 let ali več, doživljajo več stresa v primerjavi z mlajšimi. Prav tako več stresa doživljajo tisti, ki imajo 7 let in več delovne dobe, v primerjavi s tistimi, ki jo imajo manj kot 7 let. Kot dejavnike poklicnega stresa so najpogosteje navajali: administrativno delo (»papirologijo«), sodelovanje s starši, obseg in količino dela. Raziskava je pokazala, da je delež tistih, ki se vključujejo v športno-gibalne aktivnosti kot preventiva poklicnemu stresu in tistih, ki se ne, skoraj enak. Med tistimi, ki se vključujejo v športno-gibalne aktivnosti, je največji delež tistih, ki to počnejo 2-krat tedensko. Pogosteje se v športno-gibalne aktivnosti vključujejo tisti, ki imajo 7 let ali več delovne dobe, v primerjavi s tistimi, ki jo imajo manj kot 7 let. Specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagogi najpogosteje izberejo vključevanje v športno-gibalno aktivnost, hoja. Ugotovili smo, da 74,5 % sodelujočim v raziskavi vključevanje v športno-gibalne aktivnosti veliko oziroma zelo veliko pomaga pri premagovanju poklicnega stresa.

Keywords:specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagogi
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108402 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12492873 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.07.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Sports activities for special and rehabilitation pedagogues as a professional stress preventative measure
Stress is something we all have to deal with and it cannot be avoided. We are often exposed to various stress factors at work as well. The work of special and rehabilitation pedagogues is demanding for they are required to coordinate various things when carrying out their tasks. They perform examinations of children and work with them individually, they cooperate with parents, colleagues, and external institutions; they must adhere to the requirements of management of the educational institution as well as they themselves continuously participate in professional development programs. All of this potentially exposes them to stress. People are different and respond to stress factors differently. Consequently, we deal with stress in a very individual manner. Every person can select their own type of activity as a stress prevention measure. A key question this master’s thesis research is attempting to answer is whether special and rehabilitation pedagogues participate in sports activities as a professional stress prevention measure and how helpful they find them. In this research we utilised descriptive and causal non-experimental methods of educational research, as well as a quantitative research approach. The research was conducted on a non-probability sample of special and rehabilitation pedagogues (N=120). An online questionnaire was distributed to special and rehabilitation pedagogues working in the field of education in the Republic of Slovenia. The research showed that special and rehabilitation pedagogues are exposed to professional stress, and that there are no statistically significant differences between various professional profiles. It has been established that special and rehabilitation pedagogues, aged 35 or over, experience greater stress levels compared to their younger colleagues. Additionally, stress levels are higher among those with seven years of work experience or more, compared to those with less than seven years of experience. Most commonly listed stress factors were administrative tasks (paperwork), cooperation with parents, and scope and quantity of work. The research showed that the share of people participating in sports activities as a form of professional stress prevention and those who do not is almost the same. Among those, who are physically active, most do so twice a week. People with more than seven years of work experience are physically active more often than those with less than seven years of work experience. The most commonly selected sports activity among special and rehabilitation pedagogues is walking. We found that 74.5 % of special and rehabilitation pedagogues benefited a lot or greatly from sports activity as a form of professional stress prevention.

Keywords:special and rehabilitation pedagogues

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