Introduction: Condition, in which there is more than one fetus in the uterus or outside the uterus, is called multiple pregnancy. The most common is twin pregnancy. Woman adjust to pregnancy with physiological and also psychological adaptations. Physiological adaptation to twin pregnancy includes adaptation of the cardiovascular, respiratory and hematological system, gastrointestinal tract and changes of uterus. Parents may feel severe stress, because of often unexpected twin pregnancy. When diagnosed, it is important for parents to answer all possible questions, to support, encourage and provide them with all necessary assistance. Multiple pregnancy is a risky pregnancy, which is characterized by a higher rate of almost all potential complications in pregnancy. For pregnant women, they present a risk of complications such as: preeclampsia and hypertensive disorders, gestational diabetes and nausea and vomiting. Multiple pregnancy requires a multidisciplinary approach and a midwife involved in the treatment. Midwife informs, encourages and directs a woman through pregnancy. Purpose: The purpose of the diploma work is to present twin pregnancy, a physiological adjustmentof the mother to a twin pregnancy, the most common complications and the role of midwife in treatment a pregnant woman with multiple pregnancy. Methods: In diploma work we used descriptive method of work, to present teoretical basis of discussed subject. All literature is in Slovenian or English language, completely accessible and in time limitation between years 2004 and 2019. Discussion and conclusion: Reviewing the literature we discovered importance of midwives' knowledge, their adaptability and their specificity at work. One of the most important roles of midwife is to create a trusting enviroment in which a woman feels safe. In addition to support, encouragement and informations, theoretical knowledge of twin pregnancy, adaptations and complications, is also important.