In the course of the diploma thesis, we wanted to investigate how different time of germination of industrial cannabis seeds (Cannabis sativa L.) affects the content of total phenolic compounds. The percentage of the dry matter in the starting material for the preparation of extracts was determined by drying homogenized partially dried and defatted seeds to a constant weight. Phenolic compounds were extracted with methanol (99.8 %) from non-germinated seeds and from those, germinated for 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours. Folin-Ciocalt's method was used to evaluate the total phenolic content in the samples, and results were given as the equivalent of chlorogenic acid (KK) in the dry matter (SS). The study showed negligible differences in the content of SS between the partially dried deffated seeds, which germinated for different periods of time. Repeatability of the extraction of the experiment was 99.9 %. Content of phenolic compounds in cannabis seeds did not change during the first 48 hours of germination, however on the next sampling (72 hours) there was a strong increase. In the next 24 hours, the effect of germination time was still positive, but lower. After 96 hours of germination the highest value was determined (4.53 mg KK/g SS), which meant 1.7-fold higher content of phenolic compounds compared to non-germinated seeds. The consumption of germinated seeds of industrial cannabis offers new opportunities for the development of functional foods.