
Oglaševanje na avtobusih mestnega potniškega prometa
ID Dujmović, Ana (Author), ID Pušnik, Nace (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen magistrskega dela je raziskati zunanje oglaševanje na mestnih avtobusih v Ljubljani. Za javni prevoz v Ljubljani skrbi podjetje Ljubljanski potniški promet (skrajšano LPP). Seznanili smo se z zgodovino oglaševanja na tujem in v Sloveniji, primerjali zunanje oglaševanje na mestnih avtobusih v Ljubljani, Mariboru, Zagrebu in na Dunaju. V eksperimentalnem delu smo izvedli spletno in terensko anketo, anketirali smo 1200 ljudi, ki so bili glede na spol razdeljeni v šest starostnih skupin. Pripravili smo podrobno analizo ankete, pridobljene odgovore smo analizirali glede na starost, spol, pogostost uporabe avtobusa. Zanimalo nas je, koliko ljudi lahko navede vsaj eno oglasno sporočilo na zunanjem delu mestnega avtobusa in kakšno mnenje imajo o zunanjih oglasih na mestnih avtobusih v Ljubljani. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da stari do 24 let pogosteje navedejo oglasno sporočilo v primerjavi s preostalimi starostnimi skupinami. Pogostost navedbe oglasnega sporočila z višjo starostjo pada. Izmed osmih podanih trditev o zunanjih oglasih na mestnih avtobusih v Ljubljani so se vprašani najpogosteje strinjali s trditvijo, da zunanji oglasi na mestnih avtobusih v Ljubljani ovirajo pogled skozi okno avtobusa. S pomočjo fotografij smo analizirali oglasna sporočila, ki so jih anketiranci najpogosteje navedli, in ugotovili, da imajo ta oglasna sporočila nekaj skupnih značilnosti. Z nadaljnjimi raziskavami bi lahko preverili, koliko anketirancev, ki so navedli oglasno sporočilo, se je kasneje odločilo za nakup.

Keywords:LPP, mestni avtobus, zunanje oglaševanje, zunanji oglasi
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108268 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.06.2019
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Title:Advertising on city buses
The purpose of my MA thesis is to research outdoor advertisement on city buses of Ljubljana. Public transportation of Ljubljana is managed by LPP (City transport of Ljubljana). Throughout our research we got acquainted with the history of advertising abroad and in Slovenia. We compared outdoor advertisement in Ljubljana, Maribor, Zagreb and Vienna. In the experimental part we did a field survey with 1,200 participants. The participants were divided in six age groups. We analyzed the survey in detail, regarding the participants’ age, gender and the frequency of their bus rides. We wanted to find out how many participants remembered at least one outdoor bus advertisement, and what was their opinion of outdoor advertisement on city buses of Ljubljana in general. Our findings were that participants aged up to 24 years more frequently remembered the advertisement message in accordance with the other age groups. The frequency of the advertisement references decreases with the higher age. Out of eight given facts about outdoor advertisement on city buses of Ljubljana, the participants most frequently agreed with the assertion/claim that outdoor advertisement on city buses of Ljubljana impedes the outside view through the window of the bus. With the help of the photographs, we analyzed the advertisement messages that the participants most frequently mentioned, and we found some common characteristics. With further research we could ascertain how many participants that named the advertisement, had later on decided to buy the advertised product.

Keywords:city bus transport, LPP, outdoor ads, outdoor advertisement

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