
Merjenje telesne temperature pri novorojenčku : diplomsko delo
ID Bavdek, Neža (Author), ID Vettorazzi, Renata (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uvod: Natančno merjenje temperature je osnova za kakovostno zdravstveno nego novorojenčkov in dojenčkov. Pri tem mora medicinska sestra upoštevati stanje in starost pacientov ter okolje. Poznanih je več različnih načinov merjenja telesne temperature, vendar pa niso vsi enako zanesljivi in natančni. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti najnovejše študije na področju merjenja telesne temperature pri novorojenčku in dojenčku. Metode dela: Uporabljena je deskriptivna metoda dela in pregled strokovne in znanstvene literature s področja zdravstva in merjenja telesne temperature pri novorojenčku in dojenčku. Rezultati: Analiziranih je bilo 13 relevantnih člankov, ki so opisovali več različnih vrst merjenja telesne temperature. Avtorji štirih člankov bi aksilarno merjenje temperature vsaj potencialno priporočili, medtem ko so v enem članku to prakso pri nestabilnih novorojenčkih odsvetovali. Brezkontaktni infrardeči termometer, ki meri temperaturo na sredini čela, so obravnavali raziskovalci v štirih člankih, od katerih sta ta način priporočila le dva. V enem članku so merjenje na koži abdomna označili kot boljšo prakso od kože na sredini prsnega koša, drugi pa bi namesto kože abdomna raje priporočili kožo hrbta. Merjenje telesne temperature na temporalni arteriji so v določenih primerih priporočili v treh člankih, timpaničen način pa so raziskovalci obravnavali le v enem članku in ga tudi odsvetovali. Razprava in sklep: Zelo dobri načini merjenja telesne temperature so aksilarno merjenje, merjenje na temporalni arteriji in merjenje na koži hrbta, vendar se je potrebno zavedati prednosti in pomanjkljivosti teh metod. Večinoma morajo biti novorojenčki zdravi in stabilni ter bivati na sobni temperaturi in ne v ogrevanih okoljih. Timpanično merjenje telesne temperature se je izkazalo za nezanesljivo, prav tako tudi brezkontaktni infrardeči termometer, pri katerem smo dobili tudi nekoliko nasprotujoče si rezultate.

Keywords:novorojenček, telesna temperatura, merjenje telesne temperature, medicinska sestra, zdravstvena nega
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108254 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5642091 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.06.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Newborn temperature measurement : diploma work
Introduction: Accurate temperature measurement is basic for correct nursing of neonates and infants. Nurse has to take into account the condition of patients, ambient, age and adjust her procedures to her set goal. Many different ways of measuring body temperatureare are known, but not all of them are equally reliable and accurate. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to present the newest studies in the field of body temperature measuring in neonates and infants. Methods: We used descriptive method of work and review of professional and scientific literature from the field of nursing and body temperature measuring in neoates and infants Results: We analysed 13 relevant articles that were describing different ways of body temperature measuring. Authors of four articles would at least potentially recomend axillary temperature measuring, while in one article they didn’t advise it with unstable neonates. Four articles discused non-contact infrared thermometer, which measures temperature in the middle of forehead, and in only two of them researchers would recomend it. In one article, measuring on the skin of the abdomen was assesed as a good practise, instead of the skin in the middle of the chest, in anotherone they would rather use skin on the back instead of the skin on the abdomen. Measuring body temperature on the temporal artery was in special cases recomended based on three articles, tympanic way was however discussed only in one article and was also not recomended in it. Discussion and conclusion: Very good way of body temperature measuring is axillary thermometry, temporal artery measuring and measuring on the skin of the back, but we have to be aware of all the advantages and dissadvantages of these methods. Most of the times newborns have to be healthy and stable and be on room temperature care and not in heated environments. Tympanic body temperature measuring turned out to be unreliable, as well as non-contact infrared thermometer, that also got us some conflicting results.

Keywords:newborn, body temperature, body temperature measurement, nurse, nursing

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