
Podobe dečkov v predlagani in obvezni literaturi slovenskih avtorjev v devetletki (UN, 2012)
ID Komel, Aja (Author), ID Blažič, Milena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5774/ This link opens in a new window

Magistrsko delo predstavlja sodoben vpogled v obravnavo mladinskih književnih del – detajlno so obravnavana slikaniška dela – s katerimi se mlade bralke in bralci srečujejo v devetletni osnovni šoli pri pouku književnosti. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljena obdobja mladinske književnosti na Slovenskem. Nadalje je prestavljena slikanica kot posebna zvrst otrokove prve knjige (Kobe, 1987) ter teorija M. Nikolajeve in C. Scott (2000) o komplementarnosti slikaniškega besedila in ilustracij. Teoretski del se osredotoča predvsem na širok pojem enakosti spolov, ki pa je razčlenjen na podobe dečkov in deklic ter reprezentacijo obeh omenjenih likov v slovenski mladinski literaturi. Nato se s predstavitvijo učnih načrtov 2011 in 2019, ki bosta služila kot temelj pri raziskovalnem delu, ozavesti bralce in bralke o znatni zastopanosti enega izmed spolov, ne samo na političnem in ekonomskem področju, pač pa tudi na področju vzgoje in izobraževanja. Prvi del zaključnega dela se zaokroži z izsledki raziskav o vplivih spolno pristranske literature na mlade bralce in bralke. Empiričen del se prične z razčlenitvijo književnih del učnih načrtov (2011 in 2019) glede na spol avtorjev/avtoric, ilustratorjev/ilustratork, naslovnih in glavnih književnih likov. Pri analizi podob deških likov je poudarek na štirih elementih moškosti – moč, delitev dela, libidalna investicija in simbolizem (Connell, 2012) – razvidnih iz besedil ter ilustracij. Ti elementi še dandanes definirajo in pomagajo razumeti neenakost pri obravnavanju spolov. Za konec razčlenimo izbrane slikanice glede na komplementarnost besedil in ilustracij.

Keywords:slovenska mladinska književnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108162 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12470601 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.06.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Boys' representation in proposed and compulsory literature of Slovene authors in a nine-year program primary school (Curriculum, 2011)
This master's thesis presents a contemporary insight into dealing with youth literary books – with the emphasis on picture books – which young readers come across during their nine years at elementary school at Slovene language lessons. In the theoretical part, the periods of youth literature on Slovenian territory are introduced. Further on, a picture book, as a special type of a child’s first book (Kobe, 1987), is presented. The latter theory is upgraded by the theory of M. Nikolajeva and C. Scott (2000), which focuses on the interactions between picture-book texts and illustrations. The theoretical part focuses primarily on the broad notion of gender equality, which, in this final work, includes the images of boys and girls, and the representation of both characters in the Slovenian youth literature. Then, with the presentation of the curricula of 2011 and 2019, which serve as the basis for the research work, I introduce the subtle domination of one gender, which not only appears in the economic and political sphere, but also in the education field. The first part of the thesis is rounded up with the research results on the effects of gender bias youth literature on young readers. The empirical part begins with the classification of Slovenian youth literature in the curricula (2011 and 2019) according to the gender of the authors, illustrators, titles and the gender of the main characters. When analysing the boys’ images, I focus on the four elements of masculinity – power, labour division, libidinal investment and symbolism – (Connell, 2012) from texts and illustrations. These elements still define and help understand the inequality nowadays when dealing with gender. Finally, we categorize the selected picture books regarding the complementarity of texts and illustrations.

Keywords:Slovenian youth literature

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