
Pot kulturne dediščine Žirovnica - vključenost Poti v turistično ponudbo
ID Brgant, Doroteja (Author), ID Habinc, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pot kulturne dediščine Žirovnica povezuje kulturno-zgodovinske spomenike, med katerimi je sedem osrednjih točk – to so rojstna hiša Matije Čopa v Žirovnici, rojstna hiša Frana Saleškega Finžgarja v Doslovčah, Janšev čebelnjak na Breznici, rojstna hiša Janeza Jalna na Rodinah in rojstna hiša Franceta Prešerna, vaška lipa in Cerkev sv. Marka v Vrbi. Prvi zametki segajo že na konec 19. stoletja, vendar takrat še ne moremo govoriti o Poti kulturne dediščine. Pot je potrebovala dobro stoletje, da se je oblikovala v takšno, kakršno jo poznamo danes. Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti, kako se je Pot oblikovala, kako je danes vpeta v turistično ponudbo in kako so domačini vpleteni v dogajanja v povezavi s Potjo. Delo, ki temelji na podlagi pregledane literature, terenskega dela, opravljenih intervjujev in lastnega sodelovanja pri Poti, prikaže njeno kompleksnost in načine, s katerimi je vpletena v turizem. Predstavljen je tudi pogled v prihodnost Poti kot turističen produkt – predvsem kakšno prihodnost si želi Zavod za turizem in kulturo Žirovnica za Pot. Zavod si prizadeva, da bi imela Pot čim večjo prepoznavnost v turizmu in da bi bil obisk Poti s strani domačinov in turistov vsako leto številčnejši.

Keywords:Pot kulturne dediščine Žirovnica, slovenska književnost, kultura, literatura, turizem.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108095 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.06.2019
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Title:The Žirovnica Cultural Heritage Path – Inclusion of Path into the tourism of region
The Žirovnica Cultural Heritage Path connects culture-historical monuments, including the seven focal points which are Matija Čop's birth house in Žirovnica, Fran Saleški Finžgar's birth house in Doslovče, Janša's apiary in Breznica, Janez Jalen's birth house in Rodine, France Prešeren's birth house, the village's central lime tree and St. Mark's Church in Vrba. The Žirovnica Cultural Path's first beginnings stretch to the end of the 19. century but it took over a century for it to be shaped to its current form. The purpose of this diploma-work is to find as many of the Path's meanings attributed to it by people as possible. For easier orientation this work also includes an overview of the formation of the Path and an introduction to the local surroundings. This work, which is based on read literature, field work, conducted interviews and personal participation shows numerous views and opinions of the Path's meaning to different individuals. Also presented is the Path's value at the end of the 19. and the 20. century, its significance to the current generation and potential in the future – especially in tourism.

Keywords:The Žirovnica Cultural Heritage Path, Slovenian literature, culture, literature, tourism

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