
Topološki sistemi izven ravnovesja: počasne deformacije v modelu Su-Schrieffer-Heeger
ID Marinček, Sara Pia (Author), ID Mravlje, Jernej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Rejec, Tomaž (Comentor)

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V tem delu obravnavamo topološke sisteme izven ravnovesja, pri čemer neravnovesno stanje dosežemo s preklopom parametrov hamiltonjana med topološko različnimi režimi. Preučujemo odziv sistema, ki je na začetku v osnovnem stanju enodimenzionalnega modela Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH), na počasne deformacije. Topološka invarianta, ki razlikuje med trivialnim in topološkim izolatorjem, je ovojno število: v trivialni fazi je enako nič, v topološki pa ena. Število robnih stanj je v osnovnem stanju enako ovojnemu številu, in sicer v trivialni fazi ni robnih stanj, v topološki fazi pa je na vsakem koncu verige eno robno stanje. Zanimamo se za obnašanje topološke invariante in dinamiko robnih stanj. Tako trenutne preklope kot tudi počasne deformacije parametrov med topološko različnimi režimi so v literaturi obravnavali na primeru Chernovih izolatorjev. Ugotovili so, da se (specifična) Hallova prevodnost spremeni, kljub temu da se topološka invarianta ohranja. Osrednji rezultat tega dela je, da se v modelu SSH pri deformaciji med topološko različnimi režimi ovojno število ne ohranja. To pojasnimo s precesijo psevdospinov v psevdo-magnetnem polju. Robna stanja so po koncu deformacije iz trivialnega v topološki režim zasedena, stanje propagiranega sistema pa je tem bolj podobno osnovnemu stanju, čim počasnejša je deformacija. Glede na hitrost deformacije ločimo dva režima: če je (pri izbrani velikosti sistema) deformacija dovolj počasna, sistem ostane v osnovnem stanju trenutnega hamiltonjana, v nasprotnem primeru pa pride do prehodov v nezasedena enodelčna stanja. Karakteristični čas skalira s kvadratom velikosti sistema. Opazujemo tudi časovno odvisnost naslednjih količin: energije, prekrivanja stanja propagiranega sistema z osnovnim stanjem, matričnih elementov reducirane gostotne matrike v podprostoru dvodelčnih robnih stanj in sledi njenega kvadrata. Tudi karakteristično trajanje deformacije, ocenjeno iz končne sledi, skalira s kvadratom velikosti sistema. V sistemu brez robov s periodičnimi robnimi pogoji problem prevedemo na prehod Landaua in Zenerja v dvonivojskem sistemu. V omejenem sistemu je problem analogen prehodu Landaua in Zenerja za primer križanja več diabatskih nivojev, ki ga z zmanjšanjem Hilbertovega prostora poenostavimo v prehod Landaua in Zenerja med dvema stanjema. Ta napove skaliranje karakterističnega časa s kvadratom velikosti sistema, kar se sklada z numeričnimi rezultati.

Keywords:topološki izolatorji, model Su-Schrieffer-Heeger, ovojno število, robna stanja, preklop parametrov hamiltonjana
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FMF - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108011 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:3316580 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.06.2019
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Title:Topological systems out of equilibrium: slow quenches in the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model
In this Thesis we focus on topological systems out of equilibrium, where the nonequilibrium state is established by quenching parameters of the Hamiltonian between phases with different topological invariants. We study how the system, which is initially in the ground state of the one-dimensional Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model, responds to slow quenches. The topological invariant that distinguishes between the trivial and the topological insulator is the winding number: it is zero in the trivial phase and one in the topological phase. In the ground state, the number of edge states equals the winding number, namely there are no edge states in the trivial phase and there is one edge state at each end of the chain in the topological phase. We are interested in the evolution of the topological invariant and the dynamics of the edge states. In the literature, both sudden and slow quenches between topologically nonequivalent regimes have been studied in Chern insulators. The Hall conductivity was found to change although the Chern number stayed the same. The central finding of this Thesis is that in the SSH model the winding number is not preserved if the parameters are quenched between topologically nonequivalent regimes. We explain this in terms of pseudospins precessing in pseudo-magnetic field. The edge states are occupied after a quench from the trivial to the topological regime, and the slower the quench, the closer the state of the propagated system is to the ground state. Depending on how fast the quench is performed we distinguish two regimes: if (with respect to the chosen system size) the quench is slow enough, the system stays in the ground state of the instantaneous Hamiltonian, otherwise transitions into unoccupied one-particle states occur. The characteristic time scales with the system size squared. We also consider the time dependence of the following quantities: energy, overlap of the state of the propagated system with the ground state, matrix elements of the reduced density matrix in the subspace spanned by the two-particle edge states and the trace of its square. The characteristic time estimated from the final trace also scales with the system size squared. In the bulk, the problem is equal to the Landau-Zener transition in a two-level system. In a bounded system the problem is analogous to the multi-state Landau-Zener transition, which by reducing the Hilbert space translates into the Landau-Zener transition between two states. The latter predicts scaling of the characteristic time that matches numerical results.

Keywords:topological insulators, Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model, winding number, edge states, quantum quench

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