
Doživljanje partnerskega odnosa v procesu zdravljenja odvisnih od alkohola : magistrsko delo
ID Koprivnik, Mirjam (Author), ID Simonič, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu je avtorica raziskovala doživljanje partnerskega odnosa v procesu zdravljenja odvisnih od alkohola. Osredotočila se je na doživljanje odnosa pred zdravljenjem ter po začetku zdravljenja. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela so na kratko predstavljene temeljne značilnosti odvisnosti od alkohola, nato pa čustveni in odnosni vidik odvisnosti. Zaradi človekove temeljne potrebe po vzpostavljanju varnih odnosov je odvisnost prikazana skozi oči teorije navezanosti. Predstavljene so posledice odvisnosti v družini, vpliv, ki jih ima na otroke ter značilnosti družin z odvisnimi člani. Prikazan je vpliv odvisnosti na partnerski odnos, s poudarkom na načinih soočanja s partnerjevim uživanjem alkohola. Opisan je potek zdravljenja v Sloveniji, pomembnost vključenosti svojcev v zdravljenje ter faze okrevanja družine in partnerskega odnosa. V empiričnem delu je avtorica uporabila kvalitativno fenomenološko metodo, ki temelji na raziskovanju doživljanja določenega fenomena. S polstrukturiranimi intervjuji je dobila podatke petih parov o doživljanju partnerskega odnosa v procesu zdravljenja. Glavna vprašanja so se nanašala na doživljanje obdobja pred zdravljenjem, ob začetku zdravljenja ter doživljanje sprememb skozi celoten proces. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da vsi pari doživljajo sedanji odnos kot mnogo boljši od prejšnjega, pri tem pa poudarjajo postopno rast odnosa. Vsi pari tudi zelo cenijo podporo skupine zdravljenih alkoholikov, v njej so dobili veliko spodbude za delo na partnerskem odnosu. Vse partnerke zdravljencev so dolgo tolerirale partnerjevo pitje in izkušale občutja močnega strahu, ki se je v procesu zdravljenja postopoma manjšal. Večinoma pari vzdušje v odnosu v obdobju pitja opisujejo kot napeto, polno prepirov in »dni tišine«. Prav tako poročajo, da abstinenca sama ni dovolj za izboljšanje odnosa, je pa njegov nujen pogoj. Sedaj največjo spremembo v svojem odnosu vsi vidijo v izboljšanju komunikacije.

Keywords:partnerski odnos, odvisnost od alkohola, zdravljenje odvisnosti, fenomenološka metoda
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Koprivnik]
Number of pages:V, 93, II str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-108007 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10968323 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.06.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Experience of partnership in the process of alcohol addiction treatment
In the present master’s thesis, the author explored the experience of partnership in the treatment process for alcohol addiction. The author focused on how partners experience their relationship before and after starting treatment. In the theoretical part of the thesis, the key elements of alcohol addiction are presented, followed by the emotional and relational aspects of addiction. Due to basic human motivation of establishing secure connections, addiction is presented through the lens of attachment theory. Furthermore, the author describes the consequences of addiction on the family, the influence on children and the characteristics of families with addicted members. The consequences of addiction on a couple’s relationship are also presented with the focus on the coping strategies of spouses of addicted persons. Additionally, the treatment process in Slovenia is described and the importance of family members as an integral part of the treatment process is highlighted. The stages of family and couple recovery are also presented. In the empirical part of the thesis, the author used a qualitative phenomenological method based on personal experience of the specific phenomenon. With the help of semi-structured interviews, the author received information from five couples about the experience of partner relations in the process of addiction treatment. The main questions focused on the experience of the partners before and at the beginning of the treatment, as well as on the changes they experienced throughout the whole process. The results of the research showed that all couples experience their present relationships as considerably better than before, with an emphasis on gradual growth of the relationship. They all appreciate the support of the group of recovering alcoholics that has offered them the encouragement to work on their relationship. All spouses of recovering addicts have tolerated the latter’s drinking for long time periods and have experienced feelings of intense fear, which gradually decreased. Couples mostly described the atmosphere during the drinking phase as tense, full of conflict and with the phrase “days of silence”. They also emphasise that abstinence alone is not sufficient for the relationship growth, but it is a necessary foundation for it. Today, the biggest change that the couples see in their relationship is the improvement of their communication.

Keywords:couple relationship, alcohol addiction, addiction treatment, phenomenological method

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