
Okoliščine za lažje izražanje stališč med absolventi in absolventkami socialnega dela
ID Nahtigal, Simona (Author), ID Grebenc, Vera (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Ljudje se nenehno odločamo, ali bomo o določenih stvareh v nekih okoliščinah izrazili svoje stališče ali ne. Pri tem veliko vlogo igrajo družbene vrednote in norme, ki pa se ne skladajo vedno z osebnimi vrednotami in potrebami posameznika, ki stališča izraža. Prevladujoče diskurze o aktualnih problematikah v veliki meri kreirajo tudi mediji in družbena omrežja, ki pa lahko informacije predstavljajo zelo pristransko. Študenti in študentke družboslovnih ved, še zlasti pa študenti in študentke socialnega dela, smo tako večkrat deležni ostrih kritik zaradi dela z marginaliziranimi skupinami, ki so v današnji družbeni klimi stigmatizirane in večkrat nezaželene. Stroka socialnega dela narekuje kompetentno delo vedno v prid uporabnikom, kar zahteva znanje, osebni angažma in druge atribute. Prav v poklicih pomoči, kakršno je socialno delo, naj bi strokovni delavci in delavke imeli dovolj strokovnega poguma za jasno izražanje stališč in zagovorništvo ranljivih skupin. Opravila sem intervjuje s sedmini bodočimi socialnimi delavkami in dvema bodočima socialnima delavcema, ki so tekom dodiplomskega študija prakso in prostovoljno delo opravljali na različnih področjih. Poleg strokovnega znanja so pridobili tudi mnoge izkušnje, ki vse kažejo na to, da je delo z diskriminiranimi skupinami v družbi nezaželeno, bodisi se to odraža skozi bolj subtilne prakse, kot je nezanimanje, zanikanje obstoja in viktimizacija, bodisi skozi povsem transparentno sovražnost. Slednjo občutijo tudi bodoči socialni delavci sami, a zaradi osebnega angažmaja, čustvenosti do socialnih problemov ter strokovne podkovanosti svoja stališča kljub občutenem neodobravanju in nestrpnosti načeloma izražajo. Menijo, da svoja stališča izražajo lažje in večkrat kot njihovi vrstniki, ob tem pa predlagajo, kateri ukrepi bi doprinesli k večji asertivnosti mladih, da bi bolj suvereno izražali svoja stališča. V ospredje se postavlja znanje in pomen vzgojno-izobraževalnih ustanov, ki lahko mnogo doprinesejo k večji razgledanosti in odprtosti, hkrati pa se izpostavlja tudi pomen medijev, katere bi bilo potrebno bolj regulirati in preprečevati enostransko poročanje, ki reproducira diskriminatorne prakse, ter zakonsko strožje obsojati sovražni govor.

Keywords:stališča, vrednote, sovražni govor, socialno delo, mediji, javno mnenje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-107990 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.06.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Circumstances in which undergraduate students of social work, who have finished practical work, easily express their points of view
People are constantly deciding wether or not we will talk about certain topics in certain circumstances and express our points of view. Social values and norms play a great role in this, but they do not always correspond to the personal values and needs of the individual who expresses those views. The prevailing discourses on topical issues are largely created by the media and social networks, but the information can be very biased. Students of social sciences, especially students of social work, are thus repeatedly criticized for working with marginalized groups that are stigmatized and often undesirable in today's social climate. The profession of social work dictates competent work always for the benefit of clients, which requires knowledge, personal engagement and other attributes. It is precisely in the professions of aid, such as social work, that professional workers have sufficient professional courage to express their views clearly and advocate for vulnerable groups. I conducted interviews with nine future social workers who have had study practice and engaged in volunteering during their undergraduate studies in various fields. In addition to expertise, they have also gained many experience that all point to the fact that working with discriminated groups in society is undesirable, whether this is reflected through more subtle practices such as indifference, denial of existence and victimization, or through purely transparent hostility. The latter is also felt by future social workers themselves, but because of their personal engagement, emotion to social problems and professional courage, they mostly express their views in spite of considerable disapproval and intolerance. They think that they express their views more easily and more often than their peers, while suggesting which measures would contribute to greater assertiveness of young people in order to express their views more and easier. The focus is on the knowledge and the importance of educational institutions that can greatly contribute to greater understanding and openness; at the same time, the importance of the media, which should be more regulated and prevented unilateral reporting that reproduces discriminatory practices, and the legal stricter condemnation of hate speech.

Keywords:points of view, values, hate speech, social work, media, public opinion

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