
Vizualna ocena kakovosti tal kot praktično orodje za snovanje in uporabo trajnostnih kmetijskih ukrepov
ID Pečnik, Jure (Author), ID Glavan, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Mihelič, Rok (Comentor)

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Namen naloge je bil preizkusiti učinkovitost metode vizualne ocene kakovosti tal iz priročnika Annual Crops po FAO ter preizkusiti različne metode za ocenjevanje kazalcev kakovosti tal. Na dveh savskih terasah smo ugotavljali, ali s to metodo zaznamo razlike med načinoma pridelave na dveh različnih tipih tal in ali metoda opiše dejansko stanje tal. Na dvajsetih vzorčnih ploskvah smo trikrat določili vizualno oceno kakovosti tal in povprečje treh vzorčenj primerjali z rezultati kemične analize tal. Z vizualno oceno kakovosti tal iz priročnika Annual Crops po FAO nismo zaznali razlik med načinoma pridelave, prav tako nismo zaznali razlik med tipoma tal, medtem ko smo pri kemični analizi tal zaznali statistično značilne razlike med tipoma tal. V nalogi smo pri dveh kazalcih kakovosti tal primerjali po dva različna načina določitve. Primerjali smo pH, ki smo ga izmerili pri določenih tleh z orodjem LUSTER LEAF Rapitest Soil Test Kit ter pH, ki smo ga določili s kemično analizo tal. Orodje smo ocenili kot neprimerno. Primerjali smo teksturo tal, določeno s pomočjo prstnega preizkusa in teksturo tal, določeno s pomočjo metode za določanje teksture iz priročnika za vizualno oceno kakovosti tal in med njima zaznali statistično značilne razlike. V bodoče bi bilo smiselno razviti model določanja kakovosti tal, ki bo bolje zaznaval razlike in procese v tleh.

Keywords:tla, kakovost tal, vizualna ocena, trajnostni kmetijski ukrepi, učinkovitost metode
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[J. Pečnik]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-107952 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:9268601 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.06.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Visual soil assessment as a practical tool for establishing and use of sustainable agricultural measures
We wanted to test the effectiveness of the visual soil assessment from the FAO Annual Crops manual and test various methods for assessing soil quality indicators. On two Sava terraces, we determined whether this method detects differences between cultivation methods on two different soil types and if the method describes the actual state of the soil. On twenty sample plots, we did the visual soil assessment three times and compared the average of the three samples with the results of chemical soil analysis. With the visual soil assessment from the FAO Annual Crops Manual, we did not detect neither differences between the methods of cultivation, nor did we detect any differences between the soil types, while the chemical analysis of soil showed statistically significant differences between soil types. For two soil quality indicators, we compared two different determination methods. We compared the soil pH determined with the LUSTER LEAF Rapitest Soil Test Kit and the pH determined by chemical soil analysis. We considered the LUSTER LEAF Rapitest Soil Test Kit as inappropriate. We compared soil texture, determined by the ribbon test and by using the method described in the manual for the visual soil assessment, and detected statistically significant differences between them. In the future, it would be beneficial to develop a model for determining soil quality, which will better detect the differences and processes in the soil.

Keywords:Soil, soil quality, visual assesment, measures for sustainable agriculture, method efficiency

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