Introduction: Free play is one of the elementary component of childhood. A child is developing his abilities through play. Playing is not only basic activity, but is also every child's need and requirement to normal psycicall and physicall developement. Purpose: We aimed to determine in what extent do pre-school children in today's time have the time for free play and to define the rol, as well as the importance of free play for developements. Methods: Descriptive statistic and the survey was made. In our study cooporated 84 respondents. Data was analysed with web page (1ka – one click survey), where the results are tabularly and pictorially shown. Results: We found out that majority (98 %) of interviewees finde that locomotor activity is verry importatnt for developement and health. The majority (96 %) of parents claim that free play is encouraging imagination, that is allowing relaxation (96 %), that allows gaining their own knowledge (81 %), affects on multiple developement of pre-school child (93 %), that allows mutual cooperation (81%) and enables independent formulation of rules (72 %). Discussion and conclusion: Parents enables free play for children daily and they know how important free play is for children. Majority of children have possivility to choose type of game and place of playing. Parents intercede only in cases when they think that the game is dangerous for childrens. Children are great explorers so parents should give them freedome to investigate surroundings. Although it's importatnt to provide safety for children, it's also verry significant to enable them chance to explore the nature and it's beauties.