
Načrtovanje in izdelava merilne naprave za merjenje podobne barvne temperature neba
ID VIDMAR, ALJOŠA (Author), ID Kobav, Matej Bernard (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Tema diplomskega dela je načrtovanje in izdelava merilne naprave za merjenje podobne barve svetlobe v petih smereh neba. Naprava temelji na uporabi senzorjev TCS230 in računalnika Raspberry Pi. V delu je opisano načrtovanje naprave, izdelava konstrukcije, izdelava merilnega dela s senzorji in elektro omarice. Nato je predstavljeno delovanje programa, ki je bil napisan za branje senzorjev, pretvorbo podatkov in njihov zapis lokalno na pomnilniški kartici in na Dropbox strežniku. Opisano je tudi načrtovanje senčnika za preprečevanje vpliva sončne svetlobe. Opisane so tudi začetne težave, ki so se pokazale ob testnem obratovanju in njihovo reševanje. Na koncu so predstavljeni uporabni izmerjeni podatki, katerih obdelava ni v sklopu te diplomske naloge.

Keywords:TCS230, RaspberryPi, barva neba, naprava za merjenje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-107937 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.06.2019
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Title:Design and development of a measuring device for measurements of correlated colour temperature of sky
The topic of this diploma work is design and realization of an outdoor device for measuring correlated colour temperature of light in five directions of the sky. The device is based on use of TCS230 sensors and Raspberry Pi computer. This work describes: design and construction of the device, realization of measuring part with sensors and electronics box, working principles of the software written for this application and data conversion. Designing of a shadow ring for reducing the effect of direct sunlight is also described. Some initial problems with device operation and solutions to this problems, as well as some initial raw measurements are presented at the end.

Keywords:TCS230, RaspberryPi, sky colour temperature, measurement device

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