
Kriminološki vidiki sostorilstva in udeležbe pri kaznivih dejanjih uboja in umora
ID Župevec, Tjaša (Author), ID Filipčič, Katja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uboji in umori so kazniva dejanja, ki ne predstavljajo velikega deleža med vsemi kaznivimi dejanji, vendar zaradi svoje narave sprožijo veliko zanimanje javnosti, saj posledic, ki nastanejo, ne moremo primerjati s tistimi, ki jih povzročajo druga, pogostejša kazniva dejanja. V Sloveniji do odvzema življenja, najvišje individualne in družbene vrednote, najpogosteje prihaja med poznanimi osebami, na kar kaže velik delež družinskih umorov. Tako storilci kot tudi žrtve so večinoma moški, najpogosteje uporabljeno sredstvo za izvršitev kaznivega dejanja je pištola, med motivi pa prevladujejo dolgotrajni spori, ki pogosto vodijo v sovraštvo. Pričujoča naloga analizira kriminološke vidike pri sostorilstvu in udeležbi pri kaznivih dejanjih uboja in umora. Naloga vključuje analizo dvajsetih primerov sodelovanja več oseb pri izvršitvi tovrstnih kaznivih dejanj. Pri odvzemu življenja gre za zelo personalizirano kaznivo dejanje in s tem zapleteno motivacijsko dinamiko med storilcem in žrtvijo. Če pa pri tem sodeluje več oseb, gre za zanimivo motivacijsko dinamiko in predvsem zapletene medsebojne odnose tudi med sostorilci ali med storilcem in udeležencem. Naloga zajema podrobnejšo analizo osebnih značilnosti sostorilcev ter storilcev in udeležencev, zunanjih okoliščin dejanja, motivov, razlik v izrečenih kazenskih sankcijah in primerjavo med uboji in umori v sostorilstvu in tistimi, ki so bili izvršeni s sodelovanjem udeležencev, ter uboji in umori na sploh.

Keywords:kriminološki vidiki, umor, sostorilstvo, udeležba, prispevek sostorilca, osebne značilnosti storilcev, sovraštvo, žrtev, Slovenija, motivi
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-107731 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16779345 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.05.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Criminological aspects of complicity and participation in the criminal offence of homicide
Homicides account for only a small percentage of all criminal offences. However, due to their nature they tend to generate a lot of public interest, as the consequences of such acts are much worse than those of other, more common criminal offences. In Slovenia, one's life, the highest individual and social value, is most commonly taken by a person the victim knew. In fact, a high percentage of homicides happen within a family. As far as the gender is concerned, both the offenders and the victims are most likely to be men. Homicides are most often committed with a gun, the most common motive being a long-lasting quarrel which often leads to hatred. This thesis deals with the criminological aspects of complicity and participation in the criminal offence of homicide. It contains an analysis of twenty cases, each involving several people who cooperated in the execution of such a crime. Taking one's life is a very personalised criminal offence. As such, it reflects complex motivational dynamics between the offender and the victim. In cases where several people collaborate in executing a homicide, the motivational dynamics and especially the complex relationship between the offender and the participant or between the accomplices are even more interesting to explore. The thesis contains an in-depth analysis of the personal characteristics of the accomplices, the offenders and the participants, the external circumstances of the acts, the motives, and the differences in the criminal sanctions imposed by the court. It also includes a comparison between the homicides committed by accomplices or by an offender in collaboration with other participants and homicides in general.

Keywords:criminological aspects, homicide, accompliceship, participation, accomplice's contribution, personal characteristics of accomplices, hatred, victim, Slovenia, motives

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