
Izstopajoče pesniške zbirke sodobne slovenske poezije
ID Grmovšek, Anja (Author), ID Pavlič, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Novak, Boris (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo na podlagi kronološkega pregleda razvoja sodobne slovenske poezije od konca druge svetovne vojne do danes predstavlja literarnozgodovinski kontekst, v okviru katerega se izrisujejo tendence, ki veljajo v sodobni slovenski poeziji. Na primerih desetih pesniških zbirk osmih slovenskih pesnikov in pesnic, ki izstopajo po jeziku, slogu, formi ter motivih in temah, ki jih upesnjujejo, oriše nekatere skupne značilnosti obravnavanih poetik, kljub temu da so zbirke izšle v zadnjih nekaj letih, natančneje od leta 2006 do 2017, in je to zaradi časovne nedistance težje določljivo. V magistrskem delu je prikazan tudi pregled zastopanosti izbranih avtorjev in avtoric v antologijah, ki so v zadnjih nekaj letih izšle pri nas in v tujini, kakor tudi pregled prevodov izbranih pesniških zbirk ali posameznih pesmi iz obravnavanih pesniških zbirk v tuje jezike.

Keywords:slovenska poezija, sodobna poezija, antologije, prevodi
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-107591 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.04.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Prominent poetry collections of contemporary Slovenian poetry
Master's thesis presents, on the basis of a chronological overview of evolution of contemporary Slovenian poetry from the end of World War II to the present, the literary historial context which forms the literary trends of contemporary Slovenian poetry. On the basis of ten poetry collections by eight Slovenian poets which stand out due to their use of language, style, form and motifs and topics they discuss in their poems, the thesis focuses on the mutual characteristics of the collections, which are due to the temporal non-distance of their publication dates (from 2006 to 2017) not easily determined. The thesis also presents an overview of representation of the authors in anthologies published in the last few years in Slovenia and abroad, as well as an overview of the translations of the poetry collections or individual poems from the poetry collections in other languages.

Keywords:Slovenian poetry, contemporary poetry, anthologies, translations

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