
Računalniški pripomoček za določanje upogibnega momenta po TDR v osno obremenjenih AB elementih
ID Gregorčič, Mitja (Author), ID Lopatič, Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi je predstavljen računalniški pripomoček za določanje upogibnega momenta po teoriji drugega reda (v nadaljevanju TDR) v osno obremenjenih armiranobetonskih elementih v skladu s standardom SIST EN 1992-1-1. Pripomoček je izdelan v programu Microsoft Office Excel. Za izračun učinkov po TDR preprosto vpišemo osnovne potrebne vhodne podatke (geometrija, obtežba), nekatere (vrsta betona, armature itd.) pa izberemo iz seznama, pripadajoči potrebni parametri se potem samodejno vpišejo na predvidena mesta. V pripomočku se izvaja preverjanje kriterija potrebnosti upoštevanja učinkov TDR ter dve poenostavljeni metodi za določanje učinkov TDR. To sta metoda, ki temelji na nazivni togosti, ter metoda, ki temelji na nazivni ukrivljenosti. Pripomoček nam na koncu vrne vrednost, za katero se poveča upogibni moment po TDR glede na upogibni moment po teoriji prvega reda. V diplomski nalogi je predstavljen še enostaven računski primer, s katerim je prikazano delovanje pripomočka. Prav tako je na koncu narejena še primerjava rezultatov.

Keywords:teorija drugega reda, uklon, SIST EN 1992-1-1
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-107554 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.04.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Computational tool for determining the bending moment according to second order theory in axially loaded reinforced concrete elements
This diploma thesis presents a computational tool for determining the bending moment according to the Second-Order Theory in axially loaded reinforced concrete elements in accordance with the SIST EN 1992-1-1 standard. The tool is created in Microsoft Office Excel software. For the Second-Order Theory effect calculation we simply enter the essential required input data (geometry, load), the other data (concrete type, reinforcement, etc.) is selected from the drop-down list, and the necessary parameters are automatically entered into the designated spots. The tool tests the criterion of the effectiveness of Second-Order Theory when it is taken into consideration. There are also two simplified methods for determining the effects of the Second-Order Theory. The first is the method based on nominal rigidity, and the second is the method based on nominal curvature. At the end, the tool returns a value that increases the bending moment according to Second-Order theory against the First-Order Theory bending moment. The diploma thesis also presents an example of simple calculation showing the functioning of the tool, and the comparison of results is made in the conclusion.

Keywords:second order theory, buckling, SIST EN 1992-1-1

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