
Duševno zdravje in zdravstvena nega ženske po spontani ali umetni prekinitvi nosečnosti : diplomsko delo
ID Krafogel, Veronika (Author), ID Lapanja, Aljoša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uvod: Splav je prekinitev nosečnosti, ki se konča s smrtjo zarodka. Čeprav je ta lahko načrtovan ali nenaden, je pogovor o smrti otroka neprijeten. Večina žensk se v času nosečnosti na otroka močno naveže, zato splav lahko vpliva na njihovo duševno zdravje pa tudi na zdravje partnerja in celotne družine. Pristop do žalujoče osebe mora biti pravilen. Zavedati se je potrebno, da je vsak posameznik drugačen in edinstven v svojem procesu žalovanja. Medicinske sestre imajo pomembno vlogo pri zagotavljanju psihofizičnih potreb ženske po splavu. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je opredeliti duševno zdravje žensk po splavu ali mrtvorojenemu otroku in raziskati vlogo zdravstvene nege v procesu obravnave. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu je bila uporabljena deskriptivna metoda dela s pregledom strokovne in znanstvene literature s področja duševnega zdravja žensk po splavu. Iskanje literature je potekalo v podatkovnih bazah (MEDLINE, CINAHL, Google Učenjak, COBISS in COBIB.SI), iskalnik (PubMed) preko oddaljenega dostopa Narodne in univerzitetne knjižnice Ljubljana. Uporabljeni so bili le članki s prosto dostopnim celotnim besedilom, ki so izvirni ali pregledni, znanstveni ali strokovni. Članki so bili iskani v angleškem in slovenskem jeziku. Pregled literature je potekal iz člankov, ki so razvrščeni v prvi do peti nivo hierarhije, ter člankov, ki vključujejo odraslo populacijo. Rezultati: Splav je še vedno pogostpostopek, kljub temu pa število odločitev zanj v svetu upada. Pogosto vpliva na duševno zdravje žensk in povzroča travmatske motnje. Po in med postopkom je vloga zdravstvenih delavcev, njihova podpora in tolažba ključna. V nekaterih državah splav ni legalen, zato ga ženske opravljajo na skrivaj, v neprimernih razmerah, kar še dodatno povzroča poslabšanje zdravstvenega stanja. Razprava in zaključek: Ženske, ki imajo nizek ekonomski status ali so matere samohranilke, se splava velikokrat ne upajo izvesti zaradi strahu pred stigmatizacijo. V Sloveniji je splav legalen od leta 1952. Da bi ženskam omogočili čim manj bolečo in travmatično izkušnjo ob splavu, se moramo zdravstveni delavci kontinuirano izobraževati in “pozabiti” na lastna prepričanja

Keywords:splav, duševna stiska, mrtvorojen otrok, psihosocialna pomoč, stigma
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-107483 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5610091 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.04.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Mental health and nursing care for women after spontaneous or artificial interruption of pregnancy : diploma work
Introduction: Abortion is a termination of pregnancy that ends with the death of the fetus. Although this may be planned or sudden, the talk about the death of the child is unpleasant. The majority of women are severely attached during pregnancy to the child, therefore abortion can affect their mental health as well as the health of their partner and the whole family. The approach to the grieving person must be correct, we must be aware that every individual is different, and also mourns in his own way. Nurses have an important role in providing psycho-physical needs after abortion. Purpose: The purpose of the diploma work is to define the mental health of women after an abortion or a stillborn child and to explore the role of nursing care in the process of treatment. Methods of work: A descriptive working method was used in the diploma work with an overview of professional and scientific literature on the mental health of women after the abortion. The literature search was carried out on databases (MEDLINE, CINAHL, Google Scholar, COBISS and COBIB.SI), browser (PubMed) via remote access from the University Library of Ljubljana. Only articles with freely accessible full text were used, which are original or transparent, scientific or professional. Articles were searched in English and Slovenian language. The literature review was derived from articles classified in the first to fifth hierarchy levels, and articles that include the adult population. Results: Abortion is still a common occurrence, despite the fact that the number of abortions in the world is declining. It also affects the mental health of women and causes traumatic disorders. After and during the process, the role of health professionals, their support and comfort are crucial. In some countries, abortion is still not legal, so it is done by women in secret, in inadequate conditions, which is additionally caused by a deterioration in health status. Discussion and conclusion: Women who have low economic status or are single mothers, often do not dare to perform abortion because of fear or stigmatization. In Slovenia, the abortion has been legal since 1952. In order to give women the least painful and traumatic experience of abortion, health professionals must educate themselves and “forget” their own beliefs.

Keywords:abortion, women after an abortion, mental health after an abortion, stigma

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