
ID Kukovica, David (Author), ID Burnik, Stojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Šimenko, Jožef (Comentor)

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MD5: 97F92C53B5610B41065FDD9D3E6CD98F

Telesna masa ima v judu velik pomen, saj so tekmovalci zraven starostnih, razdeljeni tudi v težnostne kategorije. Ta klasifikacija je uvedena, da se med tekmovalci vsaj približno izenačijo razlike v moči, agilnosti, izkušnjah … Nekateri judoisti tako tekom tekmovalne sezone periodično izgubljajo kilograme nekaj dni pred tekmovanjem z namenom, da bi nastopili v želeni težnostni kategoriji, ki je največkrat pod njihovo vsakdanjo težo. Za dosego tega cilja se judoisti poslužujejo različnih metod zmanjševanja telesne mase, kot so na primer: zmanjševanje vnosa hrane in pijače v telo, vadba v gumijastih ali plastičnih oblačilih, uporaba savn, uporaba diuretikov in celo bruhanje. Namen diplomske naloge je bil ugotoviti načine zmanjševanja telesne mase slovenskih judoistov, pogostost zmanjševanja telesne mase, količino kilogramov, ki jih tekmovalci izgubljajo pred tekmovanji, ter vpletenost trenerjev v proces zmanjševanja telesne mase njihovih tekmovalcev. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 34 slovenskih judoistov s povprečno starostjo 19,97 ± 3,02 leta, ki se z judom ukvarjajo v povprečju 12,94 ± 3,94 leta. Vsi sodelujoči so bili na dan 1. 10. 2018 potrjeni kot kategorizirani športniki na seznamu Olimpijskega komiteja Slovenije. Ugotovili smo, da 59 % tekmovalcev zmanjšuje telesno maso za tekmovanja. Le-ti jo zmanjšujejo nenačrtovano in nenadzorovano. Ugotovili smo tudi, da kar 55 % tekmovalcev v povprečju prične telesno maso zmanjševati za 4,2 ± 0,99 kg samo 3‒5 dni pred tekmovanjem. Nekateri izgubijo tudi do 6 kg telesne mase pred tekmovanji. Trenerji se v zelo redkih primerih vključujejo v proces zmanjševanja telesne mase tekmovalcev. V večini primerov trenerji nimajo pregleda oz. nadzora nad zmanjševanjem telesne mase svojih varovancev. Ugotovljeno stanje med judoisti/-kami in njihovimi trenerji je zaskrbljujoče, saj govorimo o kategoriziranih športnikih na najvišjem nivoju. Podatki predstavljajo izhodišča za posodobitev programa usposabljanja za strokovne delavce v judu in njihove licenčne seminarje z dodatnimi vsebinami glede načrtnega zmanjševanja telesne mase.

Keywords:borilni športi, judo, hujšanje, nadzorovanje telesne mase
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-107438 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5563825 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.04.2019
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Title:Strategies for losing weight used by Slovenian judoists
Body weight is an essential factor in judo, competitors, in addition to age, are classified into body weight categories. This classification is to ensure that the competitors are, at least approximately, equal in power, agility, experience, etc. This is leading some judoists, during the competing season, to periodically loss weight a few days before a competition to perform in the desired weight category, which is usually below that of their usual weight. To achieve this, judoists use a variety of methods to reduce their body weight, such as: reducing the intake of food and drink, exercising in rubber or plastic clothing, using saunas, using diuretics and even vomiting. The thesis aimed to determine the means of losing body weight used by Slovenian judoists, the frequency of losing body weight, the number of lost kilograms by competitors before competitions and the involvement of coaches in the process of their competitors weight loss. The study included 34 Slovenian judoists with an average age of 19.97 ± 3.02 and who have been training judo, on average, for 12.94 ± 3.94 years. All participants were confirmed as categorized athletes on the Slovenian Olympic Committee’s list as of 01 October 2018. We found that 59 % of competitors reduced their body weight for competitions. These competitors lose weight in an unplanned and uncontrolled way. We also saw that as many as 55% of competitors are loosing weight, on average, by 4.2 ± 0.99kg only 3-5 days before a competition. Some even lose up to 6kg in body weight before competing. Coaches are only rarely involved in the process of competitors losing body weight. In the majority of cases, the coaches do not have any control over their athletes’ weight loss. This situation among judoists and their coaches concerns us, as these are categorized athletes at the highest level. The data serves as a basis for updating the programme of professional staff training in judo and their licensed seminars with additional content regarding the planned reduction of body weight.

Keywords:martial arts, judo, dieting, controlling body weight

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