
Domače učno okolje romskih otrok
ID Stariha, Stanislav (Author), ID Kavkler, Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5670/ This link opens in a new window

Dostopni podatki kažejo na velik osip romskih otrok v slovenskih osnovnih šolah. Osip romskih otrok v osnovnih šolah na območju Dolenjske in Bele krajine je še večji. Romski otroci izhajajo iz kulturno in jezikovno drugačnega okolja kot vrstniki. Starši so večinoma neizobraženi in posledično nezaposleni. Živijo v slabših bivalnih razmerah kot večinsko prebivalstvo. Zaradi neizobraženosti staršev so tudi njihovi otroci prikrajšani, ker jim ti ne zmorejo pomagati. Izobrazba romskim staršem ni vrednota, kar vodi v nižja pričakovanja staršev do šolanja svojih otrok. Namen naše raziskave je bil proučiti vpliv nekaterih dejavnikov domačega učnega okolja (SES družine, informiranost staršev o šolanju svojih otrok, sprejetost romskih otrok s strani sošolcev, znanje slovenskega jezika romskih učencev, vključenost v program predšolske vzgoje) na šolsko uspešnost romskih otrok. Uporabili smo kvalitativen raziskovalni pristop in deskriptivno raziskovalno metodo. V vzorec so bili vključeni tri romske pomočnice, osem romskih družin, triindvajset njihovih šoloobveznih otrok in sedemindvajset učiteljev, ki jih poučujejo. Podatke smo pridobili s pomočjo intervjujev ter opazovanja domačega okolja romskih družin, vprašalnikov za romske pomočnice in vprašalnikov za učitelje. Intervjuje smo posneli na diktafon in jih dobesedno prepisali. Vse pridobljene podatke smo kvalitativno analizirali. Zbrani podatki so pokazali, da sta 2 od 23 romskih otrok obiskovala 9. razred. Preostali so porazdeljeni v prvih dveh triletjih. Pri slovenščini, matematiki, angleščini, družboslovju in naravoslovju dosegajo podpovprečne ocene. 14 od 23 otrok je vsaj enkrat ponavljalo razred. Domače učno okolje ne vpliva spodbudno na učno uspešnost romskih otrok. Tri družine imajo slabši socialno ekonomski standard. Učitelji navajajo, da imajo otroci zelo skromen besedni zaklad. Doma prevladuje komunikacija v romščini in pri dveh družinah poleg romščine še hrvaščina. Neznanje slovenskega jezika bi lahko reševali z zgodnjim vključevanjem v program predšolske vzgoje, vendar se je pokazalo, da je bilo samo 8 od 23 otrok vključenih v vrtec. Samo 2 od 23 otrok redno prinašata domačo nalogo. Kar 14 od 23 otrok je pogosto odsotnih od pouka. Samo dva starša romskih družin sta znala točno povedati, kako uspešni so njuni otroci v šoli. Proučevano domače učno okolje romskih otrok jim nudi premalo spodbud za uspešno šolanje.

Keywords:osnovna šola
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-107375 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12371273 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.04.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Home study environment of Roma children
The available data shows that Slovenian elementary schools experience high drop-out rates of Roma children, especially in elementary schools situated in the Dolenjska and Bela krajina regions. Roma children grow up in a cultural and linguistic environment that is much different from the one their peers experience. The living conditions of the Roma people are worse than those of the majority of the population. Roma parents are mostly uneducated and consequently unemployed; due to their lack of schooling, their children are also deprived, since the parents are unable to help them with their schoolwork. Moreover, Roma parents do not place a great deal of importance on education at all, and therefore, they have low expectations regarding their childrens' school success. The purpose of this thesis was to study the influence of certain factors of the domestic learning environment on the school performance of Roma children; namely, the socioeconomic position of the families, the parents' knowledge regarding their childrens' education, the acceptance of Roma children by their classmates, the knowledge of the Slovenian language of Roma pupils and the participation in preschool education programmes were all taken into account. In the thesis, a qualitative research approach and a descriptive research method were used. The sample used in the research included three Roma assistants, eight Roma families, twentythree Roma school-age children and twenty-seven of their teachers. The data was obtained through interviews and the observation of the home environment of Roma families, as well as questionnaires given out to Roma assistants and teachers. The interviews were recorded and later transcribed. All of the data obtained was then analyzed qualitatively. The collected data shows that only two out of twenty-three Roma children that participated in the research are enrolled in the ninth grade, while all the others attend lower grades. In subjects such as Slovene language, Mathematics, English language, Social Science and Science, the grades of Roma children are below average. Fourteen out of twenty-three children had to repeat a year at least once. The domestic learning environment has a detrimental effect on the learning performance of Roma children. Three families that participated in the research have a low socio-economic standard. Teachers state that children have a very modest vocabulary. At home, the members of families speak in the Romani language, two families also use Croatian. The lack of knowledge of the Slovene language could be addressed by early enrollment in a preschool program; however, only 8 of the 23 children interviewed attended kindergarten. Only 2 out of 23 children regularly bring home homework. As many as 14 out of 23 children are often absent from school. Only two parents of Roma families could tell exactly how successful their children are at school. The studied domestic learning environment for Roma children does not provide enough incentive for successful schooling to take place.

Keywords:elementary school

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