
Low-cycle fatigue life of thin-plate auxetic cellular structures made from aluminium alloy 7075-T651
ID Tomažinčič, Dejan (Author), ID Nečemer, Branko (Author), ID Vesenjak, Matej (Author), ID Klemenc, Jernej (Author)

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In the article, the low-cycle fatigue life durability of thin-plate auxetic cellular structures is compared with the thin-plate specimens of standard shape. Both the re-entrant auxetic cellular structures and the standard specimens were cut from a 2mm-thick strip of aluminium alloy 7075-T651. First, a fatigue life curve and a cyclic curve were determined for the standard specimens. A special antibuckling device was applied to prevent the bending of the specimens. The same experimental arrangement was then applied to determine the low-cycle fatigue life of auxetic structures. In the continuation, the most appropriate method was selected to calculate the fatigue life on the basis of the measured fatigue life curves. Abaqus and SIMULIA fe-safe software were applied for this purpose. The best predictions for the standard specimens were obtained with the Brown-Miller method. Finally, the selected method was applied to predict the low-cycle fatigue life of re-entrant auxetic cellular specimens.

Keywords:aluminium alloys, auxetic, damage models, low-cycle fatigue, theoretical-experimental approach
Work type:Article
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Submitted Version
Number of pages:Str. 1022-1036
Numbering:Vol. 42, iss. 5
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-107345 This link opens in a new window
ISSN on article:8756-758X
DOI:10.1111/ffe.12966 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16549915 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.04.2019
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Fatigue & fracture of engineering materials & structures
Shortened title:Fatigue fract. eng. mater. struct.
COBISS.SI-ID:584210 This link opens in a new window

Secondary language

V članku je za področje malo-cikličnega utrujanja prikazana primerjava dobe trajanja ploščatih avksetičnih celičnih struktur in preizkušancev standardnih oblik. Obe vrsti preizkušancev, tako avksetični, kot standardni sta izrezani iz 2 mm debelega traku, iz aluminijeve litine 7075-T651. Najprej smo za primere standardnih preizkušancev določili krivuljo zdržljivosti in ciklično krivuljo. Izdelali smo posebno oporno pripravo, ki preprečuje uklon preizkušancev. Enak eksperimentalni postopek, za določanje dobe trajanja v področju malo-cikličnega utrujanja, smo izvedli tudi pri avksetičnih celičnih struktur. V nadaljevanju smo na osnovi izmerjenih krivulj zdržljivosti izbrali najprimernejšo metodo za izračun dobe trajanja. V ta namen smo uporabili programa Abaqus in SIMULIA fe-safe. Pri standardnih preizkušancih smo najboljše napovedi dobili z metodo Brown-Miller. Na koncu smo izbrano metodo, za napoved dobe trajanja v področju malo-cikličnega utrujanja, uporabili tudi na avksetičnih celičnih preizkušancih.

Keywords:aluminijeve litine, avksetičnost, poškodbeni modeli, malo-ciklično utrujanje, teoretično-eksperimentalni pristop


Funder:ARRS - Slovenian Research Agency
Project number:J2‐8186; P2‐0063
Name:Razvoj večnamenskih avksetičnih celičnih struktur; Konstruiranje celičnih struktur

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