
Pomen podpore staršev pri dvojni karieri njihovih otrok – športnikov : magistrsko delo
ID Grobljar, Leon (Avtor), ID Doupona Topič, Mojca (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Glavni problem magistrskega dela je bilo pridobiti informacije o možnostih usklajevanja dvojne kariere z vidika staršev mladih športnikov in ugotoviti, kakšen vpliv imajo starši na potek in razvoj dvojne kariere mladih športnikov. Cilja raziskave sta bila tudi spoznati stališča in izkušnje staršev mladih športnikov glede prilagajanja izobraževanja športnikom in ugotoviti, kakšna je vloga staršev mladih športnikov pri razvoju dvojne kariere svojih otrok. V raziskavi je sodelovalo osem staršev športnikov, katerih otroci so aktivni športniki in obiskujejo srednjo šolo ali fakulteto. Intervjuvanih je bilo pet mater in trije očetje. Raziskava je bila izvedena s pomočjo strukturiranega intervjuja. Po izvedenih intervjujih smo naredili transkripcijo, nato pa vsebino odgovorov analizirali s pomočjo kodiranja. Ugotovili smo, da športno udejstvovanje otroka vpliva na izbor izobraževalne institucije, vendar je po mnenju staršev poklicna kariera pomembnejša od športne. Starši namreč zelo visoko vrednotijo pomen pridobitve izobrazbe v obdobju ukvarjanja s tekmovalnim športom. Zaradi obveznosti in odsotnosti od pouka, ki jih prinaša športno udejstvovanje, starši podpirajo posebne prilagoditve, ki jih nudijo izobraževalne institucije za športnike. Vloga staršev mladih športnikov pri razvoju dvojne kariere svojih otrok se nanaša na šest glavnih kategorij. Te so: kontrola nad šolskim delom, prevoz na treninge in tekme, spremljanje treningov in tekem, moralna podpora, finančna podpora in prilagoditev življenjskega sloga. Med dejavnike starševske vpletenosti v športno dejavnost vpliva spol starša. Pri petih intervjuvancih namreč prihaja do razlik pri interakciji, saj so očetje bolj vpleteni v športno dejavnost svojih otrok, matere pa skrbijo za njihovo izobraževanje. Vloga starša kot podpornika pri dvojni karieri svojega otroka športnika prinaša tudi nekatere vsakodnevne izzive, s katerimi se morajo soočati. Poudarili bi štiri glavne kategorije izzivov: logistika, finančni stroški, vsakodnevno prilagajanje športnim obveznostim in spodbuda otroku športniku.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:dvojna kariera, starši, vpletenost, podpora, kvalitativno raziskovanje
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:FŠ - Fakulteta za šport
Leto izida:2019
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-107325 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:5508529 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:30.03.2019
Število ogledov:2066
Število prenosov:449
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:The importance of parental support with their children’s dual career as athletes
The main problem of the master's thesis was to obtain information on the possibilities of coordinating a dual career from the perspective of the young athletes’ parents and to determine the influence of the parents on the course and the development of a dual career of young athletes. The objectives of the research were also to get to know the attitudes and experiences of young athletes' parents regarding the adaptation of education to athletes, and to find out the role of these parents in developing the dual career of their children. The study involved eight parents athletes, whose children are active athletes and attend a high school or a faculty. Five mothers and three fathers were interviewed. The survey was conducted with a structured interview. After the interviews were conducted, we made a transcription, and then the contents of the answers were analysed using coding. We have found out that the child's involvement in sports influences the choice of educational institution. However, according to parents, a professional career is more important than a sports career. Namely, parents highly value the importance of acquiring education during the period of engaging in competitive sports. Due to the obligation and absence from the lessons as a result of attending the sports activities, parents support the special adjustments offered by educational institutions for athletes. The role of parents of young athletes in developing the dual career of their children relates to six main categories. These are: control over school work, transportation to trainings and matches, monitoring of trainings and matches, moral support, financial support and lifestyle adjustment. Among the factors of parental involvement in sports activity is also the gender of the parent. In the case of five interviewees, there are differences in interaction, since fathers are more involved in the sporting activities of their children, and mothers take care of their child’s education. The role of a parent as a supporter in the dual career of his child athlete also brings some of the daily challenges that they must face. We would like to emphasize four main categories of challenges: logistics, financial costs, day-to-day adjustment to sports obligations and the incentive for a child athlete.

Ključne besede:dual career, parents, involvement, support, qualitative research

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