
Pomen furmanstva na območju Rakeka in okolice kot družboslovna vsebina v 4. in 5. razredu osnovne šole
ID Mulec, Aljaž (Author), ID Kerec, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela smo predstavili razvoj furmanstva na območju kraja Rakek in njegove okolice od njegovih začetkov pa do zatona. Predstavili smo tudi druge obrti, povezane s furmanstvom, in kako je izgradnja Južne železnice vplivala na nadaljnji razvoj kraja Rakek. Raziskali smo, kakšno je stanje ohranjanja kulturne dediščine furmanstva in njegove tradicije danes, in razmislili, in kako bo z njo v prihodnje. Ugotavljali in raziskali smo možnost vključitve pojma furmanstvo v učni program družboslovja v 4. in 5. razredu osnovnošolskega učnega načrta. V praktičnem delu magistrskega dela smo pripravili, izvedli in evalvirali primer učne priprave ter sestavili načrt učne poti za 5. razred osnovne šole. Podatke smo pridobili in analizirali preko začetnega in končnega anketnega vprašalnika oz. preizkusa. Primerjali smo odgovore prvega z odgovori drugega anketnega vprašalnika, saj nas je zanimalo poznavanje tematike pred izpeljanim poukom in po njem. Preko evalvacijskih vprašanj smo pridobili tudi vtise in predloge učencev. Za delo v 4. razredu smo pripravili nekaj predlogov in izhodišč za vpeljavo in obravnavo furmanske tematike pri različnih družboslovnih temah, ki pa jih lahko povežemo tudi medpredmetno. Opravili smo tri intervjuje – prvega z gospodom Tonetom Urbasom, bivšim občinskim sodnikom in velikim poznavalcem zgodovine teh krajev (njegov oče je bil furman), drugega z gospodom Francem Perkom, pisateljem, ki je o Rakeku in ostalih bližnjih krajih napisal več monografij, ter z gospo Ano Troha, prebivalko Babnega Polja, katere oče je bil furman. Izsledke intervjujev smo analizirali in predstavili njihove ugotovitve.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-106897 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12352073 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.03.2019
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Secondary language

Title:The importance of furman transport in Rakek and its surroundings as social sciences content in 4th and 5th grade of primary school
In the thoretical part of this Master Thesis we introduced the importance of furman transport in Rakek and its surroundings from its beginnings to its end. We also introduced other crafts linked to furman transport and how the construction of the South railroad influenced further development of the town Rakek. We explored the state of cultural heritage of furman transport and its tradition now and thought about its future. We explored different options of integrating the concept of furman transport as social sciences content in the syllabus of the 4th and 5th grade of primary school. In the empirical part of the Master Thesis we prepared, performed and evaluated two cases of lesson plans out of which one was done in the classroom and the other as a fieldwork for the 5th grade of primary school. The data was collected and analised through initial and final survey questionnaire, which partially served also as tests. We were interested in the level of knowledge of the topic before and after the lesson, so we compared the results of both questionnaires. Through evaluation questions on the questionnaires we obtained different impressions and suggestions from pupils. For the class work in the 4th grade we prepared some suggestions and guidelines for introduction and discussion of furman topic which can be used in variaty of sociological topics or in different cross-curricular topics. We conducted three interviews – the first interview with Mr Tone Urbas, son of a furman transporter, ex municipal judge and an expert of researched area. The second interviewee was Mr Franc Perko, an author of several monographies of Rakek and its neighbouring towns. The last interview was conducted with Mrs Ana Troha, a resident of a town Babno Polje and a descendant of a furman transporter. The thesis concludes with the analysis and the representation of the findings of the interviews.

Keywords:furman transport

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