
Izkušnje staršev otrok z motnjami avtističnega spektra pri obravnavi in sodelovanju z različnimi strokovnimi službami
ID Medved, Nives (Author), ID Rapuš Pavel, Jana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5630/ This link opens in a new window

V magistrskem delu sem raziskovala izkušnje staršev otrok z motnjami avtističnega spektra s strokovnimi delavci različnih ustanov in organizacij, s katerimi se srečujejo med usmerjanjem in obravnavo otroka. V teoretičnem delu sem opredelila nekatere ključne pojme, povezane z motnjami avtističnega spektra. Predstavila sem postopek diagnosticiranja, obravnave in usmerjanja otrok z motnjami avtističnega spektra strokovnih delavcev, s katerimi se otrok in starši v tem postopku srečujejo. Ustavila sem se pri pravicah in dolžnostih staršev ter izpostavila, kako uradni dokumenti za področje usmerjanja otrok s posebnimi potrebami opredelijo vključevanje in sodelovanje s starši kot partnerji. Pri tem sem izhajala iz temeljnih konceptov socialno pedagoškega delovanja tj. etike udeleženosti in perspektive moči. Z vidika celostnega pristopa obravnave sem izpostavila nekatere oblike pomoči in podpore, ki jih strokovne službe lahko udejanjajo v sodelovanju s starši. Podala sem tudi pregled nekaterih raziskav, ki so bile na tem področju že izvedene v tujini ali v slovenskem prostoru. V empiričnem delu sem na izbranem vzorcu raziskala izkušnje staršev otrok z motnjami avtističnega spektra pri sodelovanju z različnimi strokovnimi službami. Uporabila sem kvalitativni raziskovalni pristop. Rezultati so pokazali, da so starši v vzorcu s strani večine strokovnih delavcev izključeni iz procesov usmerjanja in obravnave ter spregledani kot eksperti iz izkušenj. Pogosto strokovni delavci ne prepoznajo potreb staršev in jim zato ne nudijo informacij, podpore in pomoči. Starši so večinoma opisovali neprijetne izkušnje in nezadovoljstvo s strokovnimi delavci. Raziskava je v ospredje postavila dve glavni potrebi, ki sta ozaveščanje tako strokovne kot laične javnosti o tematiki ter dodelitev usposobljenih spremljevalcev za vse otroke z motnjami avtističnega spektra.

Keywords:motnje avtističnega spektra
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-106896 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12351817 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.03.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Experience of parents of children with autism spectrum disorder in treatment and co-operation with different professional services
This thesis investigates the experience that parents whose children have autism spectrum disorder have had with the specialists from different institutions and organizations, with whom they have had interactions during child’s guidance and treatment. In the theoretical part, I defined some key concepts connected with the autism spectrum disorder. I presented the process of diagnosis, treatment and guidance of the children with the disorder, and the specialists, with whom a child and parents meet during this process. I focused on parents’ rights and responsibilities and exposed how the official documents, covering the guidance of the children with special needs, define the integration and collaboration with parents as partners. From the perspective of comprehensive approach to the treatment, I disclosed a few types of help and support that the specialists can realise in the collaboration with the parents. I originated from the core concepts of social pedagogical realization that are the ethic of participation and strengths perspective. Moreover, I introduced an overview of some researches, covering the topic, that had already been done in international and Slovene environment. In the empirical part, based on a selected sample, I investigated the experience of parents whose children have autism spectrum disorder, by collaborating with different specialists. I used qualitative research method in my investigation. The conclusions were that in most cases, the parents are excluded from the guidance and treatment processes and overlooked as the experts by experience. Too often, they do not recognize parents’ needs, depriving them of information, support and help. Generally, the parents manifested unpleasant experiences and dissatisfaction with social workers. The research put in focus two major needs: making both professionals and lay public aware about the subject and assigning qualified attendants to all children with autism spectrum disorder.

Keywords:autism spectrum disorder

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