
Izkušnje študentov zdravstvene nege o težavah z urinsko inkontinenco pri starostnikih : diplomsko delo
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Uvod: Urinska inkontinenca vpliva na telesno, čustveno in socialno zdravje številnih posameznikov. Še vedno predstavlja velik tabu v naši družbi. Veliko ljudi ima napačno predstavo, da je urinska inkontinenca normalni del staranja. Zato je izobraževanje študentov zelo pomembno, da urinsko inkontinenco pravočasno prepoznajo in pravilno ukrepajo. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je bilo ugotoviti, kakšne so izkušnje študentov zdravstvene nege s starostniki, ki imajo urinsko inkontinenco. Poleg tega smo želeli preveriti tudi teoretično znanje študentov. Metode dela: Diplomsko delo temelji na kvantitativni paradigmi raziskovanja. Izvedeno je bilo anketiranje študentov zdravstvene nege s pomočjo spletne ankete 1ka. Spletni vprašalnik je bil javno objavljen ter preko spletnih omrežij posredovan ciljni skupini v maju 2018. Za analizo smo uporabili 171 v celoti izpolnjenih vprašalnikov. V prvem sklopu so bila demografska vprašanja, v drugem in tretjem sklopu pa so bila vprašanja odprtega in zaprtega tipa o znanju študentov, poznavanju problemov urinske inkontinence ter izobraževanju. Rezultati: Le 37 % študentov se zaveda, da je med starostniki urinska inkontinenca razširjena v 30-50 %. 72 % študentov se strinja, da starostniki večinoma niso radi govorili o težavah z urinsko inkontinenco. Da so bili bolj socialno izolirani, je mnenja malo več kot polovica študentov. 15 % študentov je mnenja, da je pojav urinske inkontinence pogostejši pri starostnikih z nižjo izobrazbo. Kar polovica študentov je mnenja, da je urinska inkontinenca normalni del staranja. Kar ¾ študentov je potrdilo, da se v kliničnih okoljih ni uporabljalo ocenjevalnih orodij. Študenti se večinoma (88 %) zavedajo, da ima pri prepoznavanju problema urinske inkontinence ter pri negovalnih intervencijah pomembno vlogo medicinska sestra. Na vprašanje, ali so v času kliničnega usposabljanja starostnike z urinsko inkontinenco kdaj vprašali o poznavanju vaj za krepitev mišic medeničnega dna, je kar 59 % anketirancev odgovorilo negativno. Skoraj polovica študentov se ne strinja, da bi v času študija izvedeli dovolj o možnostih uporabe ocenjevalnih orodij za urinsko inkontinenco. Razprava in zaključek: Rezultati kažejo, da so študentje zdravstvene nege premalo ozaveščeni o težavah urinske inkontinence pri starostnikih. Med študenti zdravstvene nege je še vedno prisotno prepričanje, da je urinska inkontinenca normalni del staranja. Pomembna naloga študentov in medicinskih sester je, da se zavedajo težav urinske inkontinence pri starostnikih in pravilno ukrepajo. Pomembno je, da študenti na osnovi znanja na pravilen način pomagajo in spodbujajo starostnike pri njihovih težavah, ki nastanejo zaradi urinske inkontinence. Razlog, da študentje niso zadostno izobraženi, je morda nezainteresiranost v času izobraževanja ter dajanje premalo poudarka tem vsebinam.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:urinska inkontinenca, starostniki, stigma, težave pri urinski inkontinenci, stališča študentov zdravstvene nege
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:ZF - Zdravstvena fakulteta
Leto izida:2019
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-106820 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:5597291 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:18.03.2019
Število ogledov:1644
Število prenosov:410
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Experience of nursing students about the problems with urinary incontinence in the elderly : diploma work
Introduction: Urinary incontinence affects the physical, emotional, and social health of many individuals. It still represents a big taboo in our society. Many people have the wrong idea that urinary incontinence is a normal part of aging. Therefore, it is very important for student education to recognize urine incontinence in a timely manner and to take proper action. Purpose: The purpose of the diploma work was to determine the experience of nursing students with the elderly who have urinary incontinence. In addition, we also wanted to check the theoretical knowledge of students. Methods: The diploma work is based on the quantitative research paradigm. A survey of nursing students was conducted through the online survey 1ka. The online questionnaire was publicly announced and sent to the target group in May 2018 through web networks. We used 171 fully completed questionnaires for the analysis. The first set covered demographic issues. In the second and third sections, the questions were both open and closed. They were about the knowledge of students, knowledge of problems of urinary incontinence, and education. Results: Only 37% of students are aware that urinary incontinence is prevalent among the elderly in 30-50%. 72% of students agree that the elderly mostly do not like to talk about problems with urinary incontinence and that they were more socially isolated. More than half of the students believe that. 15% of the students believe that the occurrence of urinary incontinence is more common in older people with lower education. Half of the students believe that urinary incontinence is a normal part of aging. As much as ¾ students confirmed that assessment tools were not used in clinical settings. The students (88%) are aware that a nurse plays an important role in identifying the problem of urinary incontinence and in nursing interventions. In the time of clinical training, elderly people with urinary incontinence were asked about the knowledge of exercises to strengthen pelvic floor muscles. Meanwhile, 59% of respondents answered negatively. Nearly half of the students do not agree that they learn enough about the possibilities of using assessment tools for urinary incontinence during the study. Discussion and conclusion: The results show that nursing students are under-informed about the problems of urinary incontinence in the elderly. Among nursing students, there is still the belief that urinary incontinence is a normal part of aging. An important task of both students and nurses is to be aware of the problems of urinary incontinence in the elderly and to take proper action. It is important that students help and encourage the elderly in their problems that arise from urinary incontinence on the basis of knowledge. The reason that students are not sufficiently educated is perhaps the lack of interest in the time of education and putting too little emphasis on this topic.

Ključne besede:urinary incontinence, elderly, stigma, problems with urinary incontinence, attitudes of nursing students

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