
Klinični dejavniki, ki vplivajo na presnovo glutamina v sepsi
ID Schara, Klemen (Author), ID Rotovnik Kozjek, Nada (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Učinkovitost uporabe glutamina pri kritično bolnih je trenutno zelo aktualen raziskovalen problem. Ni namreč jasno ali je njegova uporaba varna in učinkovita. V naši raziskavi smo se osredotočili na vprašanje, ali se koncentracija glutamina v plazmi spreminja pri bolnikih s SIRS-om (sindrom sistemskega vnetnega odziva), sepso, hudo sepso in septičnim šokom, v primerjavi s kontrolo. Obenem smo preiskovali, če bi glutamin lahko uporabili kot prognostični dejavnik pri napovedovaju izida bolezni. Analize smo izvajali z napravo za plinsko kromatografijo - masno spektrometrij. Analizirali smo vzorce plazme bolnikov. Končni rezultati so potrdili naše predvidevanje, da se vrednost koncentracije glutamina spreminja v skladu z bolezenskim stanjem. Izsledki raziskave potrjujejo, da prihaja v krvi do znižanja koncentracije glutamina, v primerih, ko je organizem še zmožen ustrezno reagirati na okužbo in še ne prihaja do disfunkcije organov. S stopnjevanjem bolezenskega stanja (huda sepsa in septični šok), prihaja do večje disfunkcije ali celo odpovedi organov, ki so del procesa presnove glutamina, kar posledično lahko vodi do ponovnega porasta v koncentraciji glutamina v krvi. Koncentracijo glutamina v plazmi tako lahko uporabimo pri napovedovanju izida bolezni, pri čemer vrednosti glutamina kažejo na slabši izid bolezni.

Keywords:glutamin, sepsa, presnova glutamina, kritična bolezen, aminokisline, izid bolezni
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[K. Schara]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-106784 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5033848 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.03.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Glutamine metabolism in sepsis
The research topic of glutamine use in critically ill patients is currently quite controversial. It is not clear whether its use is safe and effective. In our study, we focused on whether plasma glutamine concentration varies in patients with SIRS (systemic inflammatory response syndrome), sepsis, severe sepsis, and septic shock compared to the control group. At the same time, we investigated if glutamine could be used as a prognostic factor in predicting the outcome of disease. Analyzes were performed using a gas chromatography –mass spectrometry in which patient samples were analyzed. The final results confirmed our assumption, that glutamine concentration changes in relation to the disease state. The results of the study confirm that there is a decrease in glutamine concentration in the blood in those patients where the organism is still able to react appropriately to infection and there is no organ dysfunction present. Increased dysfunction or even failure of the organs that are involved in glutamine metabolism will increase the incidence of severe conditions (severe sepsis and septic shock), which can lead to an increase in glutamine concentration. Plasma glutamine concentrations could thus be used to predict the outcome of disease, where higher plama glutamine levels indicate a less favourable outcome.

Keywords:glutamine, sepsis, glutamine metabolism, critical illness, amino acids, disease outcome

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