
Sile in napetosti v zgornjem in spodnjem ustroju železniških prog : diplomska naloga
ID Sukič, Sonja (Author), ID Zgonc, Bogdan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Šemrov, Darja (Comentor), ID Može, Primož (Comentor)

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V prvem delu diplomske naloge so ob upoštevanju Pravilnika o zgornjem ustroju železniških prog (Uradni list Republike Slovenije št. 92/2010), standarda Agregati gred železniških prog SIST EN 13450:2003, standarda za tamponski sloj in progovno telo Mednarodne železniške zveze UIC Code 719 R (2008) ter tehničnih specifikacij za ceste, opisani elementi zgornjega in spodnjega ustroja železniških prog. Opisani so tirnica, prag, tirni pribor, tirna greda, tamponski sloj in progovno telo. Nato je predstavljena teorija za izračun sil in napetosti skozi prerez železniške proge pod prometno obremenitvijo. Dinamični vplivi prometa se upoštevajo po Eisenmannovi teoriji. Predstavljena je Eisenmannova poenostavitev Hertzove teorije kontakta med kolesom in tirnico za določitev maksimalne strižne napetosti v glavi tirnice, Zimmermannova metoda za izračun sil in napetosti v zgornjem ustroju, Odemarkov postopek ter izračun kontaktnih napetosti na posameznih stikih plasti. V zadnjem delu diplomske naloge je izračun sil in napetosti skozi prerez železniške proge pri prometni obremenitvi z najsodobnejšo lokomotivo voznega parka Slovenskih železnic SŽ 541 za izbrano sestavo zgornjega ustroja. Izračunane so maksimalne strižne napetosti v glavi tirnice, upogibne napetosti v tirnici, kontaktne napetosti na stiku tirnica – prag, kontaktne napetosti na stiku prag – tirna greda ter kontaktne napetosti na stiku tirna greda – progovno telo.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, UNI, diplomska dela, tirnica, prag, tirna greda, tamponski sloj, progovno telo, osna obremenitev, metoda po Zimmermannu, Odemarkova teorija, teorija Eisenmanna, graduation thesis, civil engineering, rail, sleeper, rail joints, ballast bed, blanket layer, formation, axle load, Zimmermann's method, Odemark's theory, Eisenmann theory
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[S. Sukič]
Number of pages:XII, 76 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-106580 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:6446433 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.03.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Forces and stresses in the superstructure and in the formation of therailway track : graduation thesis
The first part of the thesis describes elements of the railway superstructure and formation (rail, sleeper, rail joints, ballast bed, blanket layer and formation). These descriptions are based on Pravilnik o zgornjem ustroju železniških prog (published in UL RS 92/100), standard Aggregates for railway ballast SIST EN 13450:2003, standard Earthworks and track bed for railway lines UIC Code 719 R (2008) published by International Union of Railways and on technical specifications for roads. The second part introduces the calculation of forces and stresses through the cross section of the railway line under traffic load. Dynamic impacts are taken into account by Eisenmann's theory. Presented is Eisenmanns simplification of the Hertz theory for wheel–rail contact, for determination of the maximum shear stress in the rail head, Zimmermann's method to calculate the forces and stresses in the superstructure, Odemark's theory and the calculation of contact stresses on individual contact layer. Last part of the thesis presents the calculation of forces and stresses through the cross section of the railway line under traffic load of the Siemens locomotive SŽ 541 for the chosen composition of the superstructure. Maximum shear stress in the rail head, bending stresses in the rail foot, contact stresses at the rail – sleeper contact, contact stresses at the sleeper – ballast bed contact and contact stresses at the ballast bed – formation contact are calculated.

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