Photographic presentation of any kind of project or product is paramount to the perception of general public. It does not depend on time or place, it’s always accessible through internet, it usually makes the first (sometimes sole) contact with the subject. Because it plays such an important role, it has to be thoughtfuly taken, to rightfully represent the project. Photographing designed landscape can be similar to photographing landscape or architecture, but it has many of it’s own specifics. Such as tendance to place the subject in the wider context of space and time, maintenance of landscape through the years and seasons, showcasing the symbolic meanings of arrangements and such. We have to fulfill that with presentational likeability. When a photographer puts himself in the space, he has limitless possibilities of capturing the photograph, it is never just an »objective presentation of reality«. How he decides to present the given project strongly depends on his subjectivity, style of photography, his precognitions and his perception of space. On objective side, he has to follow the goals of presentation and showcase significance of the project. He has to present the solutions and options, that are offered by designed landscape. Thesis presents the spectrum of different ways to affect the photograph, works of different photographers, connections with related fields of photography and specifics of photographing landscape architecture.