
Oseba Jezusa Kristusa v trilogiji Josepha Ratzingerja "Jezus iz Nazareta" : diplomsko seminarsko delo
ID Tržan, Urša (Author), ID Štrukelj, Anton (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Naloga predstavi osebo Jezusa Kristusa na podlagi izbranih poglavij dela papeža Benedikta XVI., »Jezus iz Nazareta«. Predstavljenih je le sedem poglavij iz vse trilogije, kar omogoča dokaj natančno predstavitev izbranega, hkrati pa opusti vsa ostala poglavja. Z izborom poglavij, ki predstavljajo ključne točke Jezusovega življenja in delovanja, je namen naloge, ki je predstaviti Jezusovo osebo, vseeno dosežen. V prvih poglavjih avtor sledi vprašanju Jezusovega poslanstva. O tem razmišlja na podlagi poglavij o oznanjenju Mariji in Jezusovem rojstvu, ter prvem pogledu na Jezusovo skrivnost. Sledi razmišljanje o Jezusovem odnosu do Očeta preko predstavitve skušnjav v puščavi in Gospodove molitve. Ob poglavju o Jezusovem procesu je dokončno razkrito njegovo poslanstvo, nazadnje pa je predstavljeno Jezusovo vstajenje, kot bistvo krščanske vere. Vsako poglavje je celota zase, saj v resnici vsak dogodek v Jezusovem življenju priča o njegovem poslanstvu. To pa je, da je Jezus Božji Sin, ki je postal človek in nam je prišel razodet božjo ljubezen ter nas s svojo žrtvijo odrešit in spravit z Bogom. (KKC 1993, 132) Naloga je zaključena z razmišljanjem o sledenju Jezusu, ko ga srečamo. K temu nas pravzaprav nagovarja samo odkritje Jezusove osebe. Ko ga spoznamo, smo povabljeni, da mu sledimo. To je bistvo življenja kristjana. Predstavitve poglavij Ratzingerjevega dela so ponekod dopolnjene z navedbami iz Katekizma katoliške Cerkve.

Keywords:Jezus, Sveto Pismo, božja ljubezen, odrešenje, Joseph Ratzinger – papež Benedikt XVI
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[U. Tržan]
Number of pages:IV, 35 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-106569 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8086106 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.03.2019
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Secondary language

Title:The person of Jesus Christ in the trilogy "Jesus of Nazareth" by Joseph Ratzinger.
The thesis presents the person of Jesus Christ on the basis of selected chapters of the work of Pope Benedict XVI., "Jesus of Nazareth." Only seven chapters from all three books of trilogy are presented, which enables a fairly detailed presentation of the selected, but skips all other chapters. By choosing chapters that represent the key points of Jesus' life and work, the purpose of the mission to present the person of Jesus is nevertheless achieved. In the first chapters, the author follows the question of Jesus' mission. He writes about this on the basis of the chapters of the Annunciation to Mary, Jesus' birth, and The first view of Jesus' secret. He writes about Jesus' attitude to the Father by presenting temptations in the wilderness and the Lord's Prayer. At the chapter on Jesus' process, His mission is finally revealed. At the end the resurrection of Jesus is presented as the essence of the Christian faith. Each chapter is itself a whole, because every event in Jesus' life testifies to his mission, which is that Jesus is the Son of God, who has become man and he came to reveal to us the love of God and save us by His sacrifice. (KKC 1993, 132) The thesis is completed by contemplating the next step of following Jesus after we meet him. The discovery of Jesus' person itself invites us to do so. When we get to know him, we are invited to follow him. This is the essence of Christian life. Presentations of the chapters of Ratzinger's work are supplemented with the references from the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Keywords:Jesus, Holy Scripture, God's Love, Salvation, Joseph Ratzinger - Pope Benedict XVI.

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