
La modalidad deóntica en El Señor Presidente de Miguel Ángel Asturias y sus equivalencias en esloveno : magistrsko delo
ID Sirk Rigler, Nika (Author), ID Pihler Ciglič, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Sirk Rigler]
Number of pages:100 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-106497 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:69007714 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.02.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Deontična modalnost v delu Gospod predsednik avtorja Miguela Ángela Asturiasa in njihove ustreznice v slovenščini
Jezikovna modalnost kot eden izmed najznačilnejših pojavov v procesu sporazumevanja označuje subjektivno razmerje govornika do vsebine svoje izjave oziroma sporočila. Pričujoče magistrsko delo obravnava jezikovni pojav deontične modalnosti, ki je utemeljena na dveh osrednjih osi modalne logike, nujnosti ter možnosti, znotraj katerih mora biti v tem primeru prisotna ideja obveznosti in nujnosti, obenem pa nakazuje tudi na vse tiste vsebine, ki so povezana s konceptom dovoljenja/avtorizacije in prepovedi, z volitivnimi sestavinami, Marta Carretero (1991/92) pa k temu naboru konceptov, doda še pojem aprobacije. Ta naklonska sestavina jezika se lahko izraža prek raznolikih jezikovnih sredstev: leksikalnih (besednih vrst, kot so samostalnik, pridevnik, prislov, medmet, glagol, kateremu pritičejo tudi glagolske perifraze), slovničnih (glagolski čas in naklon) in fonetično-fonoloških. Ta študija se osredotoča na pestrost in bogatost repertoarja leksikalnih sredstev, s katerimi jezik razpolaga in se jih poslužuje za izražanje deontično obarvanih vsebin. To naklonsko sestavino jezika je mogoče logično deducirati in kodificirati prek zgoraj omenjenih jezikovnih mehanizmov, ki jih ima govornik na razpolago v dotični komunikativni situaciji. Obenem se na vsakem slehernem koraku poudarja pomembnost interpretacije konkretnega konteksta kot temeljnega pojma pragmatike, ki nam pomaga na ustrezen način razumeti in transmitirati deontične zaznamovane vsebine. Opozorimo tudi na dvoumnost med tako imenovanim epistemičnim in deontičnim branjem ("polifonične" ali "citatne" interpretacije) ter na razliko med subjektivno in objektivno dimenzijo deontične modalnosti. Za poglavitni cilj smo si v empiričnem delu naloge zadali opazovati deontično modalnost, ne samo znotraj polja španščine, marveč tudi znotraj polja drugega ciljnega jezika, tj. slovenščine. Za podlago izbrali literarno delo El Señor Presidente avtorja Miguela Ángela Asturiasa (1946) in njegov edini slovenski prevod Gospod predsednik (1960), za katerega gre zasluga prevajalcu Janku Modru. V skladu s komparativno metodo smo se posvetili opisu skladenjskih in pomenskih značilnosti deontičnih indikatorjev v španskem jeziku in nato le-te primerjali z lastnostmi ustreznih zgradb v slovenskem jeziku. V nadaljevanju smo se osredotočali na to, ali se je prevajalec posluževal enakih leksikalnih mehanizmov in pa kaj se je z deontično naklonskostjo zgodilo znotraj prevajalskega procesa, torej, ali se je le-ta ohranila, spremenila ali pa nemara celo popolnoma izgubila.Linguistic modality as one of the most characteristic phenomena in the process of communication denotes the speaker's subjective relation to the content of their statement. The present thesis deals with the linguistic phenomenon of deontic modality, which is established on two central axes of modal logic, necessity and possibility, within which the ideas of obligation and necessity must also be present, in this case. At the same time, it indicates all the elements related to the concept of permission/authorization, prohibitions, with volatile components. Marta Carretero (1991/92) also adds the notion of apropos to this set of ideas. This mood component of the language can be expressed through a variety of linguistic means: lexical (the parts of speech, such as the noun, the adjective, the adverb, the interjection, the verb, which includes the verbal periphrasis), grammatical (the tense and the mood) and phonetic-phonological. This study helps us to demonstrate the diversity and richness of the repertoire of lexical means which language uses to express deontically coloured content. This mood component of the language can be, therefore, only logically deduced and codified through the aforementioned language mechanisms, which the speaker uses in a certain communication situation. At the same time, it is important that, at every step we emphasize the importance of interpreting a concrete context as the basic concept of pragmatism, which helps us to correctly understand and transmit deontically marked content. The ambiguity between the so-called epistemic and deontic readings ("polyphonic" or "citation" interpretations) is pointed out, as well as the difference between the subjective and objective dimensions of deontic modality. The main goal of the empirical part of the thesis was to observe deontic modality not only in the Spanish language but also in another language, i.e. Slovene. The literary work El Señor Presidente by Miguel Ángel Asturias (1946) and its sole Slovenian translation, made by Janko Moder, Gospod predsednik (1960), were chosen as the corpus. In accordance with the comparative method, the focus was on the description of the syntactic and semantic characteristics of the deontic indicators in the Spanish language and they were compared with the properties of the corresponding structures in the Slovene language. In the following chapters of the thesis we focused on whether the translator had used the same lexical mechanisms, and what had happened to deontic mood during the translation process, that is, whether it had been preserved, changed, or even completely lost altogether.

Keywords:španščina, modalnost, slovenščina, pragmatika, skladenjska analiza, magistrska dela

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