
Vzgojni in izobraževalni vidiki gledališke umetnosti pri poučevanju tujih jezikov : magistrsko delo
ID Čamernik, Patricija (Author), ID Kroflič, Robi (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Vitez, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Teoretiki različnih obdobij in različnih predelov sveta so si v večini enotni v tem, da je človek ustvarjalno bitje. Tako lahko nasprotuje destruktivnemu, napreduje, ustvarja in izumlja. Spodbujanje ustvarjalnosti ima zato v šoli velik pomen tako za razvoj vsakega posameznika, kot tudi celotne družbe. Kljub temu ustvarjalnost ne deluje na ukaz. Eden od načinov, da jo spodbudimo pri otrocih in mladostnikih, je vpeljava umetnosti same v pouk. Nekateri predmeti za to dopuščajo več prostora kot drugi. Tako si bomo v tej magistrski nalogi pogledali vpeljavo gledališke umetnosti, in sicer pri predmetih tujih jezikov, natančneje pri francoščini. Ravno pri teh predmetih je, tako kot pri gledališču, pomembno kreiranje z besedami in nastopanje s celim telesom. Poleg tega imata gledališka dejavnost in učenje tujega jezika še veliko več drugih skupnih točk. Gledališka dejavnost naj bi pozitivno vplivala na razvoj jezikovnih kompetenc in ob tem nudi nabor pozitivnih učinkov na vzgojo. Oboje bomo podrobneje preučili v načrtovanem magistrskem delu. Čeprav Slovenija z raziskovanjem in uvajanjem umetnosti v šoli nekoliko zaostaja za državami kot so Nizozemska, Anglija in ZDA, se zanimanje za to področje povečuje. Ni popolnoma jasno, ali zato ker smo skozi različne raziskave dokazali, da umetnost doprinaša k razvoju človeka, ali zato ker se je pojavila skrb, da bi umetnost izginila iz šolskega prostora. Ta magistrska naloga bo pomagala bolje raziskati in razumeti to področje ter ponuditi nova vprašanja in odgovore v še ne popolnoma raziskanem odnosu med poljema gledališke umetnosti in šolstva. Takšen prispevek bo imel vse večji pomen, saj lahko umetnost spodbuja ustvarjalnost in pozitivno vpliva na učenčevo razumevanje sveta ter samega sebe, na njegovo izražanje, vrednotenje, sodelovanje, razvoj odnosa do lepega, motivacijo, osebnostno rast in celo na telesni razvoj. Močno vlogo lahko ima tudi na samo usvajanje tujega jezika, saj lahko s pomočjo umetnosti, natančneje gledališča, učenci lažje razvijejo svoje govorne spretnosti, izražanje, vživljanje v jezik in vlogo govorca tujega jezika, estetiko, pomnjenje in so bolj motivirani za učenje tujega jezika. Vse te predpostavke, ki narekujejo, da ima umetniška dejavnost v šoli vrsto pozitivnih učinkov, bomo v tem delu poskusili potrditi s pomočjo kvalitativnih raziskovalnih postopkov z opazovalno prakso skupine gimnazijcev med pripravo krajše gledališke predstave v francoščini ter z intervjuji učencev, njihovih mentorjev in enega gledališkega umetnika, ki je skupaj z dijaki pripravljal celovečerno predstavo.

Keywords:pedagogika, vzgoja, gledališče, poučevanje tujih jezikov, didaktika jezika, tuji jeziki, francoščina, jezikovne metode, pedagoška metodologija, magistrska dela
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[P. Čamernik]
Number of pages:111 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-106483 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:67784802 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.02.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Les aspects éducatifs de l'art dramatique dans l'enseignement des langues étrangères
Theoreticians of different periods and different parts of the world found a common ground in acknowledging that the human is a creative being. Because of this he can oppose destruction; he can progress, create and invent. This is a key reason why creativity in schools should get a lot of support as it is important for the developement of every individual as well as its society. Creativity however does not work on demand. One of many ways to awaken it in children and adolescents is with introducing art itself in school classes. Some arts offer more space for that than others. Thus, in this Master thesis we will research the introducing of theatre art in the subjects of foreign languages, mostly French. Significant in subjects such as theatre is creativeness with words and performing with the whole body. Beside that, theatre activity and learning a foreign language have many other things in common. Theatre activity should positively influence the development of linguistic competences and at the same time it should offer a long list of positive effects on education in sense of raising up. Both is studied in detail in this Master thesis. Even though Slovenia is slightly behind in researching and introducing arts in school when compared to the Netherlands, United Kingdom or the USA, interest in this field is increasing. It is not evident if the reason for this interest comes from the researches who proved all the qualities that arts bring to the development of a human being, or if it could come from a fear of art disappearing from schools. This Master thesis will try to explore and comprehend this field we are entering and offer new questions and answers as well in the not yet completely researched relationship between field of theatre art and education in schools. The meaning of this contribution is to grow, as arts encourage creativity and they positively influence a learners' understanding of the themselves and the world. It also influences their expressing, valuing, cooperating, the sense for aesthetics, motivation, personal growth and even physical progress. Next to that it can also have a powerful role on learning a foreign language as with help of art, especially theatre art, students can develop their rhetorics, memory, the settling into a language and into the role of a native speaker, and they can also appear more motivated for learning this foreign language. We will try to confirm all these presumptions that indicate that artistic activites in school awaken several positive effects by observing a group of secondary school pupils during their preparation of a short theatre performance in French and with interviews of four students, two professors and one artist that were preparing the theatre play

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