
Stari starši kot nosilci skrbi za otroka
ID Sabol, Živa (Author), ID Novak, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Stari starši imajo običajno veliko vlogo v vnukovemu življenju in so nemalokrat nosilci skrbi za vnuka, za katerega njegovi starši ne zagotavljajo skrbi. Zakon o zakonski zvezi in družinskih razmerjih ureja tri ukrepe varstva otrok, to so posvojitev, rejništvo in skrbništvo. Stari starši kot nosilci skrbi za vnuka so lahko njegovi rejniki in skrbniki, posvojitelji pa ne morejo biti. Posvojitev sorodnika v ravni vrsti je namreč po Zakonu o zakonski zvezi in družinskih razmerjih prepovedana. Kot rejniki stari starši niso popolnoma samostojni pri izvajanju varstva in vzgoje vnuka, kot bi bili, če bi vnuka lahko posvojili. Zakon o zakonski zvezi in družinskih razmerjih za otroke, za katere je ugotovljeno, da so stari starši najprimernejši nosilci skrbi zanje, ne zagotavlja ustreznega trajnega ukrepa za njihovo varstvo. Z Družinskim zakonikom, sprejetim 15. 4. 2017, je bil zato uzakonjen nov ukrep, to je podelitev starševske skrbi sorodniku. S podelitvijo starševske skrbi stari starš pridobi starševsko skrb za vnuka in se v pravicah in dolžnostih izenači z otrokovimi starši. S podelitvijo tega ukrepa se ohranijo sorodstvene vezi, kar je sicer temeljni razlog za prepoved posvojitve vnuka. Pogoj za podelitev starševske skrbi sorodniku je, da otrok nima živih staršev, kar je zelo ozko zastavljeno. Ukrep bi moral priti v poštev tudi v drugih primerih, ko je z gotovostjo mogoče ugotoviti, da se otrok k biološkim staršem ne more vrniti. Za otroke, nameščene v rejništvo k sorodnikom, se bo le tako lahko postopoma uresničeval namen začasnosti rejništva in zagotavljala njihova največja korist.

Keywords:varstvo otrok, posvojitev, rejništvo, skrbništvo, podelitev starševske skrbi sorodniku, otrokova korist, stari starši
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-106359 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16613713 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.02.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Grandparents as caregivers for their grandchild
Usually, grandparents play an important role in their grandchildren's life and often take care of their grandchild when his or her parents cannot or do not. The Marriage and Family Relations Act grants three measures for protection of children; namely adoption, foster care and guardianship. Grandparents as caregivers for their grandchild can be his or her foster parents and guardians. They are not allowed to adopt their grandchild, as according to the Marriage and Family Relations Act adoption of relative in direct line is prohibited. Grandparents as foster parents are limited in providing care for their grandchild and are not autonomous as they would be, if they were allowed to adopt their grandchild. The Marriage and Family Relations Act does not grant the adequate permanent protection of children for which their grandparents would be the most appropriate caregivers. Therefore, the Family Code adopted on 15. 4. 2017 enacted a new measure for protection of children; namely granting parental care to a relative. By granting parental care to a grandparent, the grandparent acquires the parental care for the grandchild and is in the rights and obligations equated with the status of a parent. The granting of this measure preserves family relationships, which is an essential reason for prohibiting the adoption of grandchildren. The parental care for grandchild is given to grandparent only under condition that grandchild's parents are not alive. But since this condition is very narrow set, this measure should be granted also in other cases where it can be certain that the child will not return to his parents. Only by granting parental care on a number of grounds the main purpose of temporary foster care of children placed with their relatives can be sought, and the maximum benefit of the grandchild can be ensured.

Keywords:child protection, adoption, foster care, guardianship, granting parental care to relative, child’s benefit, grandparents

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