
Spodbujanje higienskega vedenja pri strokovnih delavkah v oddelkih in otrocih v izbranih vrtcih : magistrsko delo
ID Rozman, Natalija (Author), ID Jevšnik, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Strah, Branka (Comentor)

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Uvod: Dobro higiensko prakso se dandanes uporablja na vseh področjih, ki lahko pomembno vplivajo na zdravje ljudi. Izvaja jo premajhen odstotek posameznikov, zaradi česar predstavlja stalen izziv. Za izboljšanje le-tega so se oblikovala orodja spodbujanja higienskega vedenja, ki podzavestno spodbudijo posameznika k izvajanju želenega parametra. Primer dejavnosti, pri kateri zaposleni in otroci stalno prihajajo v stik z okužbami, so vzgojno varstveni zavodi (vrtci). Namen: Z opazovanjem delovnega procesa vzgoje v izbranih vrtcih smo želeli ugotoviti čas, tehniko in pogostost umivanja rok pri strokovnih delavkah v oddelkih in otrocih. Pri prvih tudi ali te uporabljajo osebna zaščitna sredstva. Na osnovi ugotovitev smo želeli uvesti izbrana orodja spodbujanja higienskega vedenja in ugotoviti, ali ta izboljšajo higiensko vedenje opazovancev. Metode dela: Pri izdelavi magistrskega dela smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela z empiričnim pristopom na študiji primera. Za zbiranje podatkov smo izdelali opazovalno listo, na podlagi katere smo odkrito opazovali strokovne delavke in otroke pri njihovem higienskem vedenju v dveh vrtcih. Za izboljšanje higienskega vedenja smo izbrali, namestili in preizkusili več spodbujevalnih orodij ter nato ponovno opazovali opazovance. Sledila je analiza vseh pridobljenih podatkov in njihova primerjava z rezultati opazovanja pred in po uvedbi orodij. Podatke smo analizirali s pomočjo računalniškega programa Excel. Za izračun rezultatov smo pri strokovnih delavkah uporabili osnovni izračun za doslednost izvajanja umivanja rok. Pri otrocih smo metodo prilagodili s skaliranjem podatkov. Rezultati: V prvi polovici opazovanja smo ugotovili, da je higiensko vedenje strokovnih delavk in otrok na nizki ravni. Vzroki za to so slabo znanje o pomembnosti higienske urejenosti, umivanju rok in uporabi osebnih zaščitnih sredstev ter površnost in hitenje pri umivanju rok. Po namestitvi spodbujevalnih orodij se je higiensko vedenje izboljšalo pri vseh opazovancih. Najbolj se je izboljšalo umivanje rok pri otrocih. Razprava in zaključek: Rezultati nakazujejo, da lahko uporaba spodbujevalnih orodij v vrtcih bistveno pripomore k boljšemu izvajanju higienskega vedenja (predvsem umivanje rok) strokovnih delavk v oddelkih in otrok. Posledično sklepamo, da lahko z orodji spodbujanja higienskega vedenja zmanjšamo pojavnost nalezljivih bolezni v vrtcih ter hkrati otroke z ustreznim higienskim vedenjem usmerjamo k bolj zdravemu in higiensko ustreznemu načinu življenja.

Keywords:predšolska vzgoja, umivanje rok, higiena rok, vedenje, spodbujevalna orodja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-106275 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5581931 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.02.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Nudging hygienic behavior among childcare workers and children in the selected kindergartens : master thesis
Introduction: Nowadays, good hygiene practice is used in all areas that can have a significant impact on human health. It is implemented by a small percentage of individuals, which makes it a constant challenge. In order to improve this, nudging tools for hygiene behavior have been developed, which subconsciously encourage the individual to perform the desired parameter. Examples of activity where employees and children constantly come into contact with infections are educational institutions (kindergartens). Purpose: By observing the working process in the selected kindergartens, we wanted to determine the time, technique, and frequency of handwashing among childcare workers and children. In the case of the first ones, we wanted to find out whether they also wear personal protective work equipment. Based on the findings, we wanted to implement the selected nudging tools for better hygiene behavior Methods: In the master’s thesis, we used a descriptive method of working with an empirical approach in the case study. In order to collect data, we prepared an observation list on the basis of which we openly observed the childcare workers and children in their hygienic behavior in two kindergartens. In order to improve hygienic behavior, we selected, set, and tested several nudging tools and observed the selected groups again. Then, we analyzed all the obtained data and compared the results of observation before and after the introduction of the nudging tools. The data was analyzed using the Excel computer program. In order to calculate the results, we used the basic calculation for the consistency of the handwashing for childcare workers and the method of scaling for the children. Results: In the first half of the observation, we found that the hygienic behavior of childcare workers and children is poor. The reasons for this are poor knowledge of the importance of hygienic tidiness, washing hands, and wearing personal protective work equipment. In addition, superficiality and rush in handwashing are also contributing to poor hygienic behavior. After setting the nudging tools, hygienic behavior improved in all the observed groups. Most improvements were observed in handwashing among children. Discussion and conclusions: The results suggest that the use of nudging tools in kindergartens can significantly contribute to the better implementation of hygienic behavior (especially handwashing) in childcare workers and children. Consequently, we conclude that with the tools for promoting hygiene behavior, the incidence of infectious diseases in kindergartens can be reduced. We can direct children towards the healthier and hygienically appropriate way of life by means of the appropriate hygiene behavior.

Keywords:preschool education, handwashing, hand hygiene, behavior, nudging tools

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