
Rast in razvoj vrtnic (Rosa spp.) v prvem letu po presajanju
ID Sojer, Ema (Author), ID Schmitzer, Valentina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi smo spremljali rast in razvoj odraslih vrtnic v prvem letu po presajanju na novo lokacijo. Sadike v mirovanju smo februarja 2017 presadili iz rozarija hortikulturnega centra Biotehniške fakultete v Biljah pri Novi Gorici v novo zasnovan rozarij pred Biotehniško fakulteto v Ljubljani. Od začetka marca smo opazovali uspešnost presajanja vseh sadik vrtnic. V aprilu in maju istega leta smo opravili tri opazovanja prirasta izbranih sort vrtnic iz različnih skupin. V pokus smo vključili 20 različnih sort vrtnic: prekrovne vrtnice (4), mnogocvetne vrtnice (4), popenjave vrtnice (4), debelne vrtnice (4) ter plezavke (4). Meritve smo izvedli 19. aprila, 3. maja in 22. maja ter vsakič zabeležili število enoletnih poganjkov daljših od 5 cm in skupno dolžino enoletnih poganjkov na dveh do treh rastlinah izbranih sort. Nato smo iz dobljenih podatkov izračunali povprečno dolžino enoletnega prirasta na posamezni rastlini in povprečno število enoletnih poganjkov pri izbranih sortah. Iz pridobljenih podatkov smo izpeljali tudi povprečni enoletni prirast pri določeni skupini vrtnic. Ugotovili smo razlike v povprečni dolžini enoletnih poganjkov in številu enoletnih poganjkov med posameznimi sortami in skupinami vrtnic. Pri vseh terminih meritev so prekrovne vrtnice v povprečju razvile največ enoletnih poganjkov (v prvem terminu 19, drugem 35 in tretjem 40 poganjkov), najmanj pa so jih oblikovale debelne vrtnice (v prvem terminu 1, drugem 8 in tretjem 13 poganjkov). Najdaljše poganjke so v prvem in drugem terminu razvile mnogocvetne vrtnice (v prvem 10,69 cm in drugem terminu 12,81 cm), v tretjem terminu pa popenjave vrtnice (27,42 cm). Najkrajše poganjke so v vseh terminih razvile debelne vrtnice (v prvem terminu 7,13 cm, drugem 7,93 cm in tretjem 16,15 cm). Vse vrtnice so zelo dobro prenesle presajanje na novo lokacijo.

Keywords:vrtnice, Rosa, presajanje, prirast, sorte, klasifikacija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[E. Sojer]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-106202 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:9162617 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.02.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Growth and development of roses (Rosa spp.) in the first year after transplanting
In the graduation thesis we presented the growth and development of established roses in the first year after transplanting to a new location. In February 2017, we transplanted dormant plants from the rosarium of Horticultural centre of Biotehnical Faculty in Bilje Nova Gorica to a newly designed rosarium in front of the Biotehnical Faculty in Ljubljana. From the beginning of March, we observed the success of transplanting of all rose plants. In April and May 2017 we carried out monitoring of the growth of selected rose cultivars from different groups. Twenty (20) different rose cultivars were observed: groundcover roses (4), floribundas (4), climbing roses (4), tree roses (4) and ramblers (4). The measurements were performed on April 19th, May 3rd and May 22nd, and each time we recorded the number and total length of annual shoots longer than five centimeters on two to three plants of each cultivar. We calculated the average length of annual shoots and the average number of shoots per cultivar and rose groups. We determined differences in average annual shoots length and average number of annual shoots among different cultivars and rose groups. At all samplings, groundcover roses on average developed the most annual shoots (in the first term 19, the second 35, and in the third 40 shoots) and tree roses developed the least shoots (in the first term 1, the second 8, and the third 13 shoots). The longest annual shoots were measured on floribundas at the first and second sampling (10,69 cm and 12,81 cm, respectively) and on climbing roses in the third term (27,42 cm). In all terms tree roses developed the shortest shoots (7,13 cm, 7,93 cm and 16,15 cm on progressive samplings). All roses reacted to transplanting to a new location very well.

Keywords:roses, Rosa, transplanting, growth, species, classification

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