
Rekonstrukcija fizičnega sestavnega dela v 3D model
ID Kogovšek, Rok (Author), ID Vukašinović, Nikola (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Tavčar, Jože (Comentor)

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V posameznih primerih za določen izdelek ni zagotovljene ustrezne dokumentacije za njegovo izdelavo, čeprav izdelek v fizični obliki obstaja. Za ponovno izdelavo izdelka moramo izdelek ponovno zmodelirati, zato ga moramo izmeriti. Če je izdelek kompleksne oblike, moramo izdelek izmeriti z napravo, ki omogoča 3D meritev prostih površin, saj ga s klasičnimi metodami ne moremo. Meritev – oblak točk moramo nato ustrezno obdelati s programskim orodjem, ki omogoča vzvratno inženirstvo modela, da dobimo volumski model izdelka, ki je primeren za ponovno izdelavo izdelka. Navedeno je v diplomski nalogi tudi predstavljeno. Na primeru izdelka je prikazan postopek rekonstrukcije modela za mehanske izdelke. Izdelek je izmerjen s pomočjo merilne naprave, ki deluje po principu strukturirane svetlobe. Nato je meritev ustrezno obdelana v programskem orodju Geomagic Design X in pretvorjena v volumski model. Meritev in rekonstruiran model sta tudi med seboj ustrezno primerjana tako, da ocenimo napako nastalo pri rekonstrukciji modela. Primerjava je ustrezno ovrednotena ter prikazana v grafičnem načinu, kjer so jasno razvidna odstopanja meritve in rekonstruiranega modela.

Keywords:vzvratno inženirstvo, rekonstrukcija modela, 3D meritve geometrije, optično skeniranje, primerjava modelov
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[R. Kogovšek]
Number of pages:XXII, 58 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-106200 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16485147 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.02.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Reconstruction of a physical component in a 3D model
In some cases a specific product is not provided with appropriate documentation for its production, but exists in physical form. In order to re-manufacture the product, the product must be re-modeled, so it must be measured. If the product has a complex form, the product must be measured with a device that allows 3D freeform surfaces measurement, as it cannot be used with conventional methods. The measurement – point cloud must then be processed accordingly with a software tool that enables the reverse engineering of the model to obtain a volume model of the product that is suitable for the re-manufacture of the product. This is also presented in the thesis. The case of the product shows the process of reconstructing the model for mechanical products. The product is measured using a structured light based measuring device. Then the measurement is properly processed in the Geomagic Design X software and converted into a volume model. The measurement and the reconstructed model are also properly compared to each other by assessing the error that occurred during the reconstruction of the model. The comparison is properly evaluated and shown in graphic mode, where the deviations of the measurement and the reconstructed model are clearly visible.

Keywords:reverse engineering, model reconstruction, 3D shape measurement, optical scanning, model comparison

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