
Lajšanje težav in vloga medicinske sestre pri obravnavi žensk v menopavzi : diplomsko delo
ID Ugovšek, Urška (Author), ID Mlinar, Suzana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uvod: Menopavza pomeni obdobje po pretečenem 1 letu brez menstruacije. Povzroči jo zmanjšanje izločanje spolnega hormona (predvsem estrogena in progesterona) oziroma prenehanje delovanja jajčnikov. Običajno se pojavi v starosti od 45 do 54 let. Približno 73% žensk v tem obdobju doživi vazomotorne simptome, s katerimi so povezani drugi neugodni simptomi menopavze, ki vplivajo na zdravje in kakovost vsakdanjega življenja žensk. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je bil predstaviti težave žensk v menopavzi, načine lajšanja menopavzalnih simptomov in ugotoviti, kaj ženske doživljajo v menopavzalnem obdobju. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela s pregledom slovenske in tuje literature, tako znanstvene kot strokovne. Starost literature je bila omejena na objavo od leta 2008 do 2018. Literatura je bila iskana v podatkovnih bazah Cochrane Library, CINAHL, PubMed in MedNar. Rezultati: Hormonska terapija še vedno predstavlja najučinkovitejše zdravljenje vazomotornih simptomov, ker ob pravilni uporabi in rednim nadzorom zdravljenja koristi prevladujejo nad tveganji. Hormonska nadomestna terapija znižuje napredovanje starostnega in kroničnega diastoličnega tlaka, ter ni povezana s škodljivimi vplivi na kardiovaskularni sistem. Zaradi skrbi glede tveganj in možnih neželenih učinkov hormonske terapije ženske vedno bolj posegajo po alternativnih in nizko tveganih metodah. Nekatere zdravilne rastline, kot so: žajbelj, grozdnata svetilka, navadna melisa, zdravilna pasijonka, divja soja, janež in druge so učinkovite pri zdravljenju simptomov menopavze. 60-65% žensk je bilo zadovoljnih z uporabo grozdnate svetilke, zaradi znatnega znižanja navalov vročine. Pri obvladovanju simptomov menopavze si več kot tretjina vseh žensk želi več podpore s strani zdravstvenega osebja. Razprava in zaključek: Starost prebivalstva narašča, kar pomeni, da bo vse več žensk po vsem svetu starejših od 50 let, s tem pa bo vse več tudi menopavzalnih težav. Najpogostejši problem predstavljajo vazomotorni simptomi. Pri lajšanju simptomov se lahko uporablja hormonsko, nehormonsko ali nefarmakološko zdravljenje. Medicinske sestre naj bi pri obravnavi ženske v menopavzi upoštevale klinične smernice NICE. Za lažjo komunikacijo med medicinsko sestro in žensko je na voljo orodje PAUSE, ki vključuje elemente, ki se navezujejo na preprečevanje, lajšanje in zdravljenje menopavzalnih težav, ter na izobraževanje in nudenje podpore ženskam v obdobju menopavze.

Keywords:menopavza, hormonsko nadomestno zdravljenje, zdravilne rastline, preventiva, zdravstvena nega
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-106185 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5577323 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.02.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Relieving menopausal difficulties and the role of a nurse in treatment menopausal women : diploma work
Introduction: Menopause is a period of time after one year without vaginal bleeding. It is caused by a change in woman's reproductive hormones (especially estrogen and progesterone) or by a failure of the ovary. Most women experience menopause between the ages of 45 and 54. About 73% of women in this time experience vasomotor symptoms, which are associated with other disturbing symptoms of menopause, affecting women's health and their quality of life. Purpose: The purpose of the diploma work was to present the problems of women in menopause, ways to relieve menopausal symptoms and to find out, what woman may experience during the menopause period. Methods: In the diploma work we used the descriptive method with a review of Slovenian and foreign literature, both scientific and professional. The age of literature was limited, from 2008 to 2018. Literature was searched in Cochrane Library, CINAHL, PubMed and MedNar databases. Results: Hormone therapy is still the most effective treatment for vasomotor symptoms. If the treatment method is used appropriately and regularly, the benefits outweigh the risks. Hormone replacement therapy reduces the progression of chronic diastolic pressure and it is not associated with adverse changes in cardiac structure and function. Because of concerns about the risks and potential side effects of hormonal therapy, women are looking for other alternative and low-risk methods. Some of the medical herbs, such as: sage, black cohosh, common melissa, medicinal passionflower, wild soybean, anise and others, can be effective in treating symptoms of menopause. 60-65%of women were satisfied with the use of black cohosh, because of the decrease of hot flushes. More than one-third of all women want more support from healthcare professionals in the management of menopausal symptoms. Discussion and conclusion: The world's population is ageing, which means that more and more women around the world will be over 50 years old, that is why more women worldwide will experience menopausal symptoms. The most common problem are vasomotor symptoms. Hormone, non-hormone or non-pharmacological treatment may be used to relieve symptoms. When treating women in menopause, nurses should follow the clinical guidelines of NICE. In order to facilitate communication between a nurse and a woman, there is a tool named PAUSE that includes elements related to prevention, relief and treatment of menopausal symptoms, and to education and support for women during the period of menopause.

Keywords:menopause, hormone replacement therapy, alternative treatment, medicinal herbs, prevention, nursing

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