
Postopek 3D modeliranja in animacije za uporabo v igri
ID PUNGERČAR, ALJAŽ (Author), ID Bovcon, Narvika (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi je opisan eden izmed najbolj razširjenih pristopov k 3D oblikovanju in animaciji karakterjev, ki jih lahko nato uporabimo v modernih računalniških igrah. V nalogi je na konkretnem praktičnem primeru prikazan potek dela, ki obsega vse od samega zbiranja referenčnih slik, skic, idej, do prve grobe oblike modela, dodajanja detajlov in kasneje njegove animacije ter končno teksturiranja. V igralnem okolju demonstriramo uporabo narejenih modelov. Tekom te naloge je predstavljenih tudi več problemov, s katerimi smo se soočili, kot je na primer optimizacija ali zmanjšanje števila poligonov, ki sestavljajo mrežo našega modela. Celoten postopek zahteva uporabo množice programske opreme. Za oblikovanje in animacijo je uporabljen odprtokodni Blender 2.79, za igralni pogon Unreal Engine 4 ter za teksturiranje Substance Painter. Vsak izmed teh programov je v nalogi na kratko predstavljen. Cilj diplomske naloge je predstaviti celotni postopek izdelave igralnega karakterja in razjasniti nejasnosti, ki se lahko ob tem pojavijo.

Keywords:3D modeliranje, animacija, računalniške igre
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-106151 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.02.2019
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Secondary language

Title:3D modeling and animation of a character in a computer game
This diploma thesis describes one of the most widely spread approaches to 3D modelling and animation of characters for use in modern video games. The workflow is presented in detail with practical examples. It consists of collecting reference images, ideas, modelling our first rough shape of the model, adding details and later creating animations and finally texturing it. In the game environment, an example usage of made characters is demonstrated. Over the course of this thesis multiple problems are encountered, e.g. reduction of number of polygons from our base mesh. This whole process requires usage of mainly three different computer programs. Blender 2.79 is used for modelling and animation, Unreal Engine 4 for final demonstration in real game environment and Substance Painter for texturing part of the workflow. Each software is also briefly presented in a separate section of the thesis. The goal of this diploma thesis is to present a complete workflow when creating playable characters and clarify any ambiguities one may encounter.

Keywords:3D modelling, animation, computer games

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