
Zasnova in izdelava svetila RGB LED
ID ŽAVBI, TADEJ (Author), ID Žemva, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Tema diplomske naloge se nanaša na izdelavo svetila RGB LED. Za ta namen je potrebno posebno vezje, ki kontrolira svetlost diod LED. Drugo poglavje se posveča integriranem vezju in njegovem delovanju, z večjim poudarkom na podatkih, ki so pomembni za to nalogo. Tretje poglavje se nanaša na tranzistorje in njihovi uporabi z LED diodami. V četrtem je opisano delovanje svetilke in njena zgradba. Svetilka LED sestoji iz dveh vezij, ker sem s tem hotel zmanjšati velikost ohišja, v katerega sta vstavljeni. Na prvem vezju imamo diode, ki so povezane z drugim vezjem. Preko 3 vrtljivih potenciometrov na drugem vezju uravnavamo hitrost utripanja diod LED, kar se opazi kot sprememba v njihovi svetilnosti. S strojnega vidika pa je zanimivo načrtovanje in sama fizična izdelava svetila LED ter izdelava vezij. Poudarek je na integriranem čipu časovnik 555, ki je ključni sestavni del naprave. Podani so tudi načrti ohišja svetila in opisani elementi, ki omogočajo integriranem čipu kontroliranje svetlosti diod LED.

Keywords:RGB, LED, Dioda, Integrirano vezje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-106149 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.02.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Design and implementation of RGB LED light
The topic of the thesis deals with the production of RGB LED light. For this purpose, a special circuit is needed to control the brightness of the LED. The first chapter focuses on the integrated circuit and its operation with a greater emphasis on the data that are relevant to this task. In the second chapter, I will describe the transistor and its use with LEDs. The LED lamp consists of two circuits, because I wanted to reduce the size of the housing they are inserted into. On the first circuit, we have diodes that are connected to the other circuit. Over 3 rotary potentials on the other circuit control the speed of the LED flashing, which is seen as a change in the brightness of the LED. From the mechanical point of view, the design and the physical manufacturing of the LED lights and the production of circuits are important. The focus is on the integrated chip 555 timer, which is a key component of the device. The designs of the lamp housing and described elements are provided, which enables the integrated chip to control the brightness of the LEDs.

Keywords:RGB, LED, Diode, Integrated Circuit

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