
Novinarska znanja in kompetence mladih (so)ustvarjalcev radijskih oddaj
ID Horjak, Anja (Author), ID Verovnik, Tina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu sem se osredotočila na formalno in neformalno novinarsko izobrazbo, ki jo mladi pridobijo, preden začnejo ustvarjati radijske oddaje. Predstavila sem tudi oblike mentorstva na izbranih radijskih postajah (če je le-to prisotno) in kako se pridobljena novinarska znanja ter veščine kažejo v oddajah. V preteklosti so se mladinske radijske oddaje ukvarjale tudi z resnimi težavami in tematikami, kot so na primer trgovina z ljudmi in aktualna politična vprašanja, danes pa proučevane oddaje obravnavajo teme, zanimive za mlade iz določene starostne skupine, in govorijo o težavah, s katerimi se srečujejo mladostniki. V Sloveniji nisem odkrila raziskave, ki bi proučevala nastajanje radijske oddaje s strani mladih ustvarjalcev, ampak zgolj takšne, ki obravnavajo radijske oddaje in poslušalce. V nasprotju s tem je omenjenih raziskav na tujem veliko. Pri nas sta skušali približati medije mladostnikom Erjavčeva in Volčičeva, ki sta dodali predmete o izobraževanju o medijih v šolske kurikulume, sama pa sem se ukvarjala z vprašanjem, koliko novinarskih znanj in kompetenc imajo mladi pred začetkom dela na radiu.

Keywords:radio, mladostniki, mladinske radijske oddaje, novinarske veščine
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-106039 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:36020573 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.01.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Journalistic Knowledge and Competences of Young Radio Show Creators
The master's thesis focuses on the formal and informal education in journalism gained by young people before they start creating their own radio shows. The thesis also presents the different types of mentoring offered by the relevant radio stations (if any) and explores how the acquired journalistic knowledge and skill reflect in the shows. In the past, youth radio shows tackled serious issues and themes, for example human trafficking and the political topics of the day. Nowadays, however, the examined shows deal with topics of interest to young people from a particular age group, limiting discussion to problems faced by the younger generation. We did not come across a Slovenian research paper specifically examining a radio show created by young people, the research being limited to radio shows and listeners in general. In other countries, on the other hand, the kind of research undertaken here is very common. Erjavec and Volčič tried to introduce media to young people by adding media-related subjects to the school curricula, while our approach tried to gauge the degree of journalistic knowledge and competences young people already have before starting work at the radio station.

Keywords:radio, young people, youth radio shows, journalistic skills

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