
Primerjava nekaterih generacij mladih odbojkarjev v kategoriji dečkov v izbranih telesnih značilnostih in gibalnih sposobnostih v odbojki : diplomsko delo
ID Ravnikar, Jernej (Author), ID Zadražnik, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V odbojki predstavljajo telesne značilnosti in gibalne sposobnosti osnovo za kvalitetnega odbojkarja. Telesne značilnosti, kot so velika telesna in dosežna višina ter razvite gibalne sposobnosti kot so moč, hitrost in koordinacija so v odbojkarski igri zelo pomembne. Čim boljši razvoj gibalnih sposobnosti je cilj vsakega igralca in trenerja. V diplomskem delu smo primerjali nekatere generacije mladih odbojkarjev regijskih reprezentanc v kategoriji dečkov v izbranih morfoloških lastnostih in motoričnih sposobnostih v odbojki. Primerjali smo rezultate testov odbojkarjev, ki so bili izvedeni pred nastopom ekip na tekmah regijskih reprezentanc. Meritve so zajemale morfološke značilnosti in motorične sposobnosti. Posvetili smo se le testom, ki jih je izvajala večina generacij odbojkarjev regijskih reprezentanc. Vzorec merjencev zajema 554 odbojkarjev starih med 14 in 15 let, ki so sodelovali na tekmovanju regijskih reprezentanc od leta 2004 do leta 2017. S pomočjo programa Excel in statističnega programa IBM SPSS Statistics smo podatke odbojkarjev uredili in analizirali. Med seboj smo primerjali rezultate med izbranimi generacijami in regijami. Pri morfoloških značilnostih merjenih odbojkarjev smo ugotovili trende izboljševanja rezultatov skozi izbrane generacije, s primerjavo testov motoričnih sposobnosti izbranih generacij odbojkarjev pa smo opazili trende izboljševanja rezultatov pri testih, na rezultat katerih v največji meri vpliva telesna višina in eksplozivna moč nog. Največji napredek pri rezultatih morfoloških značilnosti odbojkarjev je bil opažen v Ljubljani z okolico. Koroška regija je pri testih motoričnih sposobnosti v izbranih generacijah največkrat dosegla najvišji rezultat, primorska regija pa je prikazala trend nazadovanja pri rezultatih motoričnih testov v primerjavi z ostalimi regijami.

Keywords:odbojka, telesne značilnosti, gibalne sposobnosti, regijske reprezentance, dečki, primerjava, analiza
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-106021 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5470385 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.01.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison of some generations of young volleyball players in the category of u15 in some of the physical characteristics and motor skills in volleyball
In volleyball, physical characteristics and motor skills represent a foundation for a good volleyball player. Morphological properties like height and reach and developed motor skills like strength, speed and coordination are vital in volleyball. Development of motor skills is the goal of every player as well as the trainer. We compared some generations of young volleyball players who competed in the regional tournament in chosen morphological properties and motor skills in volleyball. We compared the results of tests that were carried out before the start of regional tournament matches. Measurments contained morphological properties and motor skills. We only analysed and compared the reasults whitch were measured in most of the chosen generations of volleyball players in the regional tournaments. The sample includes 554 volleyball players aged between 14 and 15, who participated in the regional tournaments from year 2004 to 2017. The data was organized and analysed using Excel and IBM SPSS Statistics. We compared results of the chosen generations and regions. In the morphological characteristics of measured volleyball players, we determined trends of improving results through selected generations. By comparing motor skills tests of selected volleyball generations, we determined trends of improving in tests of which the results are mostly affected by body height and explosive power. The greatest progress in results of the morphological characteristics of volleyball players was observed in Ljubljana and its surroundings. Koroška region achieved most of the highest results in the tests of motor skills in selected generations, while primorska region showed a downward trend in results of motor tests compared to other regions.

Keywords:volleyball, physical characteristics, motor skills, regional teams, category of U15, comparison, analysis

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