
Darilna pogodba in dedno pravo
ID Zdešar, Manica (Author), ID Žnidaršič Skubic, Viktorija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Darilna pogodba je urejena v Obligacijskem zakoniku kot dvostranski pravni posel, na podlagi katerega darovalec v breme svojega premoženja neodplačno prenese lastninsko ali drugo pravico ali na drugačen način obogati obdarjenca, slednji pa izjavi, da se s tem strinja. Na podlagi darilne pogodbe nastane enostransko zavezujoče obligacijsko razmerje, saj darovalec nastopa samo kot dolžnik, obdarjenec pa samo kot upnik. Darilna pogodba je najpomembnejši neodplačni pravni posel, saj se njena pravila uporabljajo za vsa neodplačna pravna razmerja, ki niso posebej urejena. Neodplačnost se kaže v tem, da darovalec v zameno za darilo ne prejme ničesar, obdarjenec pa je obogaten in se mu ni potrebno za to ničemur odpovedati. Pojem darila je definiran tudi v Zakonu o dedovanju in sicer zaradi ugotavljanja obračunske vrednosti zapuščine. V primerjavi z Obligacijskim zakonikom je darilo v tem primeru določeno še nekoliko širše, saj Zakon o dedovanju kot darilo določa še tisto, kar je zapustnik za življenja dal dediču na račun njegovega dednega deleža ali za ustanovitev ali razširitev gospodinjstva oz. opravljanja poklica. To je potrebno zaradi varovanja nujnih dedičev in zaradi zagotovitve enakopravnega položaja zakonitih dedičev v razmerju do zapustnika. Darilna pogodba je načeloma nepreklicna, vendar pa veljajo določene izjeme. Obligacijski zakonik daje darovalcu tri možnosti, zaradi katerih darilo lahko prekliče. Navedeni so razlog stiske darovalca, hude nehvaležnosti obdarjenca in pa rojstva prvega otroka darovalca. Darilna pogodba se lahko prekliče tudi zaradi razveze zakonske zveze. Poleg tega lahko upniki izpodbijajo darila svojega dolžnika, če so zaradi tega oškodovani. Neodplačno razpolaganje v obliki darilne pogodbe omejuje tudi dedno pravo, ki daje dedičem možnost izpodbijanja daril zaradi prikrajšanja nujnega deleža, poznamo pa tudi institut kolacije oz. vračunavanja daril in volil v dedni delež.

Keywords:darilna pogodba, darilo, preklic darila, darilo za primer smrti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105996 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16570193 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.01.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Donation agreement and law of succession
A donation agreement is regulated by the Civil Code as a bilateral legal transaction, on the basis of which the donor, in the burden of his property, transfers the property or other right, or otherwise enriches the donee and the donee declares that he agrees. On the basis of a donation agreement, unilaterally binding obligatory relationship is created, since the donor acts only as a debtor, and the donee only as a creditor. A donation agreement is the most important non-payment act, since its rules apply to all non-payment legal relationships that are not specifically regulated. The lack of payment is that the donor does not receive anything in return for a gift, and the donee is enriched and does not need to do anything in return. The concept of a gift is also defined in the Law of Succession, in order to determine the calculated value of the legacy. In comparison with the Civil Code, the gift is defined even wider in this case, because the Law of succession determines as a gift also what the decedent has given to his heir to increase his hereditary share , or for the establishment or extension of his household or, for pursuing a profession. This is necessary for the protection of forced heirs and for ensuring the equal position of legal heirs in relation to the decedent. A donation agreement is, in principle, irrevocable, but certain exceptions apply. The Civil Code gives the donor three options to revoke the gift. Those are the donor's distress, the severe ingratitude of the donee and the birth of the first child of the donor. A donation agreement can also be revoked due to divorce. In addition, creditors may dispute the gifts of their debtor if they are harmed thereby. A donation agreement is also limited by the Law of Succession, which gives the heirs the possibility of challenging gifts due to the deprivation of a compulsory portion, as well as the institute of collation, which is inclusion of gifts in the hereditary share.

Keywords:donation agreement, donation, revocation of donation, donation agreement for the event of death

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