
Povezanost prehranskega vedenja z rezultati na delovnem mestu in s splošnim življenjskim zadovoljstvom
ID Brečko, Zala (Author), ID Kobal Grum, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu sem preverjala povezanost prehranskega vedenja posameznika z njegovim splošnim življenjskim zadovoljstvom in rezultati na delovnem mestu, pri čemer sem se osredotočila na samozaznano delovno učinkovitost, delovno zavzetost in absentizem. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 230 redno zaposlenih posameznikov, ki so izpolnili Presejalni vprašalnik o prehranjevalnih navadah, Lestvico splošnega življenjskega zadovoljstva (SWLS), Vprašalnik delovne zavzetosti (UWES) in Kratko obliko vprašalnika WHO o zdravju in delovni učinkovitosti. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali statistično pomembno povezanost prehranskega vedenja z delovno zavzetostjo, samozaznano delovno učinkovitostjo in splošnim življenjskim zadovoljstvom, ne pa tudi z absentizmom. Linearna regresija je pokazala, da je prehransko vedenje statistično pomemben napovednik vseh omenjenih spremenljivk, razen absentizma. Udeleženci, ki so se prehranjevali bolj zdravo, so poročali o večjem splošnem življenjskem zadovoljstvu, večji delovni zavzetosti in višji delovni učinkovitosti. Rezultati imajo v prvi vrsti velik pomen za zaposlene, saj potrjujejo, da je hrana pomembna za doseganje dobrih delovnih rezultatov in da zdrav način prehranjevanja vodi v boljše delovne rezultate ter večje življenjsko zadovoljstvo. Ugotovitve prinašajo velik pomen tudi za delodajalce in potrjujejo pozitiven učinek promocij zdravja na delovnem mestu, ki prinašajo koristne posledice tako zaposlenim kot njim. Rezultati lahko tako predstavljajo spodbudo k bolj zdravemu načinu prehranjevanja in njegovi promociji. V prihodnje bi bilo smiselno raziskavo ponoviti in preveriti morebitno povezanost načina prehranjevanja še z drugimi konstrukti.

Keywords:prehransko vedenje, delovna zavzetost, delovna učinkovitost, zadovoljstvo z življenjem, absentizem zaposlenih
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105924 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.12.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Connection of eating behavior with work related outcomes and with life satisfaction
In my master's thesis, I examined the correlation of individuals’ eating behavior with his general life satisfaction and work-related outcomes, where I focused on self-perceived work efficiency, work engagement and absenteeism. The survey included 230 individuals that worked full-time. They completed Screening Questionnaire on Eating habits, General Life Satisfaction Scale (SWLS), Utrecht Work Engagement Questionnaire (UWES) and Short Form of the The World Health Organization Health and work performance questionnaire. The results of the study showed statistically significant correlation of eating behavior with work engagement, self-perceived work efficiency and general life satisfaction, but not with absenteeism. Linear regression showed that eating behavior is a statistically significant predictor of all of these variables, with the exception of absenteeism. Participants who were eating healthier reported greater life satisfaction, greater work engagement and higher work efficiency. The results are of primary importance for employees, as they confirm that nutrition is important for achieving good work results, and that healthy eating leads to greater work-related outcomes and greater life satisfaction. Findings also bring vast importance for employers since they confirm positive effects of health promotion at the workplace, which have beneficial consequences for both employees and employers. The results can thus represent an incentive for a healthier way of eating and can promote healthy nutrition. In the future, it would be suitable to repeat the study and to examine a potential correlation between eating behavior and other constructs.

Keywords:eating behavior, employee engagement, employee efficiency, life satisfaction, employee absenteeism

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