
Načini obvladovanja stresa v interventnih službah
ID Gregorc, Sanja (Author), ID Kobolt, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5513/ This link opens in a new window

Magistrsko delo obravnava načine obvladovanja stresa v interventnih službah. Obravnavane interventne službe so zdravstveni reševalci, gasilci, vojaki in pripadniki specialne enote Policije. V teoretičnem delu sem opisala stres in načine njegovega obvladovanja. Pozornost sem namenila tudi psihološki travmi in posttravmatski stresni motnji. Dotaknila sem se stresa na delovnem mestu in izpostavila različne krizne intervencije. Predstavila sem izbrane interventne službe (zdravstveni reševalci, gasilci, vojaki in pripadniki specialne enote Policije) in opredelila psihosocialno pomoč posameznim interventnim službam (podobnosti in razlike med njimi). Ob zaključku teoretičnega dela razmislim o povezavi predstavljene tematike s socialno pedagogiko. V empiričnem delu sem raziskovala, na kakšne načine se zaposleni v izbranih interventnih službah spoprijemajo s stresom, kako jim pri tem pomagajo interne strokovne službe in kako doživljajo stres na delovnem mestu v povezavi s kvaliteto zasebnega življenja. Izvedla sem deset usmerjenih pogovorov (štiri z zdravstvenimi reševalci, tri z gasilci in tri z vojaki) in uporabila tri že izvedene intervjuje s pripadniki specialne enote Policije. Tako sem na osnovi trinajstih usmerjenih pogovorov primerjala štiri skupine zaposlenih v interventnih službah, podobnosti in razlike v njihovem spoprijemanju in doživljanju stresnih situacij. Dobri polovici sogovornikov so stresne nepredvidljive situacije in situacije, kjer so udeleženi otroci. Vsem pri obvladovanju stresa pomagata šport in pogovor s sodelavci, temu sledita družina in izkušnje. V zasebnem življenju vsi razmišljajo o službi, vendar to ne vpliva na kvaliteto zasebnega življenja pri vseh. Tudi v službi razmišljajo o domu, vendar to pri vseh ne vpliva na njihovo delo.

Keywords:interventne službe
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105780 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12242505 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.01.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Ways of coping with stress in emergency services
My master’s thesis discusses different ways of coping with stress in emergency services. Discussed emergency services are paramedics, firefighters, soldiers and members of special police unit. The theoretical part describes stress and ways of coping with it. I also discuss psychological trauma and post traumatic stress disorder. I touch upon stress in the workplace and different crisis interventions. I present selected emergency services (paramedics, firefighters, soldiers and member of special police unit) and I define psychosocial support for individual emergency services (similarities and differences among them). I think about a connection of the presented topic and social pedagogy at the end of the theoretical part. In the empirical part I research in what ways do employees in selected emergency services cope with stress, how they are being helped by the internal expert services and how they experience stress in the workplace in connection to the quality of their private life. I carried out ten directional conversations (four with paramedics, three with firefighters and three with soldiers) and I also used three already carried out interviews with members of special police unit. Based on thirteen directional conversations, I compared four groups of people employed in different emergency services, their similarities and differences in their coping with stress and experience of stressful situations. The most stressful situations for half of the interlocutors are unpredictable situations and situations with children involved. All interlocutors find sport and talking with colleagues as ways to cope with stress, family and experiences follow. In their private life they all think about their job, however that does not influence on the quality of their private life. When they are at work, they are also thinking about their homes, however, that does not influence on their jobs.

Keywords:emergency services

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