
Pozna pooperativna fizioterapevtska obravnava športnika po lateralnem zvinu gležnja in pretrganju sprednje vezi v stopalu : diplomsko delo
ID Jerman, Anja (Author), ID Divjak, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uvod: Zvini predstavljajo eno izmed najpogostejših poškodb pri športu. So posledica prekomerno izvedenega giba v sklepu, ki preseže fiziološko mejo. Znaki, ki nas opozarjajo, da je do zvina prišlo, so oteklina v predelu sklepa, bolečina na pritisk ter boleče gibanje v sklepu. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti pozno pooperativno fizioterapevtsko obravnavo športnika z lateralnim zvinom gležnja in poškodbo sprednje vezi na stopalu ter opisati uporabljene fizioterapevtske postopke na podlagi znanstvene literature. Metode dela: Diplomsko delo je poročilo o primeru. Fizioterapevtska ocena pacienta se je pričela z anamnezo, nadaljevala pa s fizikalnim pregledom. Sledile so linearne meritve obsegov gibljivosti, manualno testiranje mišic, merjenje obsegov spodnjih udov, ocena bolečine z uporabo VAL-IB lestvice, ocena površinske senzibilitete po dermatomih, test korakanja v štirih kvadratih, test hoje na 10 metrov ter test stoje na eni nogi kot modificiran klinični test senzorične interakcije. Po oceni stanja pacienta smo izpostavili probleme, kratkoročne in dolgoročne cilje ter izbrali ustrezne fizioterapevtske postopke. Rezultati: Ob koncu fizioterapevtske obravnave se je oteklina na desnem stopalu preko petnice zmanjšala za 1 cm, pod peto in pod gležnjem pa za 0,5 cm, gibljivost desnega zgornjega in spodnjega skočnega sklepa se je izboljšala, bolečina v predelu brazgotine na desnem stopalu se je zmanjšala za oceno 2,8 mm po VAL-IB lestvici, moč mišic gležnja se je izboljšala. Prav tako so se izboljšali tudi rezultati testa hoje na 10 metrov, testa korakanja v štirih kvadratih ter testa stoje na eni nogi kot modificiranega kliničnega testa senzorične interakcije. Razprava in zaključek: Cilje, ki smo si jih zastavili na začetku fizioterapevtske obravnave, smo z ustreznimi fizioterapevtskimi postopki tekom terapije tudi dosegli. Pacient je bil med rehabilitacijo obravnavan individualno, kar je prispevalo k večjemu končnemu uspehu, pokazal pa je visoko motiviranost in zbranost pri terapiji.

Keywords:zvin gležnja, bolečina v stopalu, oteklina na stopalu, omejena gibljivost stopala, oslabelost mišic stopala, fizioterapija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105537 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5544299 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.12.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Late physiotherapy treatment after lateral ankle sprain and rupture of anterior ligament of the foot : diploma work
Introduction: Sprains are one of the most common injuries in sports. They are a result of excessive movement in the joint, which exceeds the physiological limit. Signs that a sprain occurred are swelling in the joint area, pain upon pressure and painful movement in the joint. Purpose: The purpose of the diploma work is to present the late postoperative physiotherapeutic treatment of an athlete with a lateral ankle sprain and an injury of the front ligament in the foot and to describe the applied physiotherapeutic procedures on the basis of scientific literature. Work method: The diploma work is a case report. The physiotherapeutic assessment of the patient started with the medical history and continued with a physical examination. They were followed by linear measurements of mobility ranges, manual muscle testing, measurement of lower limbs girth, pain measurement using the VAL-PI scales, assessment of superficial sensory according to appropriate dermatomes, four square step test, 10-meter walking test and the standing on one foot test as a modified clinical test of sensory interaction. According to the assessment of the patient's condition, we highlighted the problems, short-term and long-term goals and selected appropriate physiotherapeutic procedures. Results: At the end of the physiotherapeutic treatment, the swelling of the right foot over the heel bone subsided by 1 and under the heel and under the ankle by 0.5 cm, the flexibility of the right upper and lower talocrural joints improved, the pain in the scar area on the right foot decreased by 2.8 mm according to the VAL-PI scale, the strength of the ankle muscles improved. Similarly, the results of the 10-meter walking test, the four square step test and the standing on one foot fest as a modified clinical test of sensory interaction test also improved. Discussion and conclusion: The goals we set at the beginning of the physiotherapeutic treatment were achieved through appropriate physiotherapeutic procedures during the therapy. The patient was treated individually during rehabilitation, which contributed to a greater final success. In addition, he showed great motivation and concentration during the therapy.

Keywords:ankle sprain, foot pain, swelling of the foot, limited foot mobility, weakness of the foot muscles, physiotherapy

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