In the first part of the paper, basic information on the certification process is presented: the certification process, the concept of the certification body, the certification rules and the type of certification. The second part presents the methodological framework of the research: the subject, objectives and tasks of the research, the research methods and the expected results and scientific contribution. The third part presents the case studies: Case Study - City Administration Banja Luka, where integrated quality system and balanced benchmark chart were processed, Case Study - Pan European University "APEIRON", where the integrated quality system, internal evaluation of the quality system and external evaluation quality system. Then, the Case Study - Pension and Disability Insurance Fund of the Republic of Srpska, through the integrated management system in the PIO RS3 Fund, the ISO 9001 Standard in the PIO RS Fund, the ISO 27001 standard in the PIO RS Fund, the OHSAS 18001 Standard in the PIO RS Fund, the advantages of integration management of the PIO RS fund system. After that, the following studies are presented: Case Study DOO Milić - Pelet, through the quality system DOO Milić - Pellet, ENplus - A1 and Case Study - certified management systems in the healthcare industry standard ISO 9001 in healthcare and the standard ISO 14001 in healthcare.