
Znanje in raba slovenskega jezika pri piseljencih različnih generacij: Primer občine Tržič
ID Bajd, Maja (Author), ID Pirih Svetina, Nataša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V pričujočem delu se ukvarjam s problematiko znanja in rabe slovenskega jezika pri priseljencih različnih generacij v Občini Tržič. Priseljence v delu predstavljajo posamezniki, ki so se v Tržič preselili iz Bosne in Hercegovine, Črne gore, Kosova, Srbije, Hrvaške in Makedonije oz. njihovi potomci. Pri tem opisujem podobnosti in razlike, ki se med posamezniki pojavljajo ob vprašanjih identitete, ohranjanja izhodiščne kulture, jezikovne izbire, samoocene znanja jezika oz. jezikov, odnosov z bližnjimi in diskriminacije. V empiričnem delu predstavljam osebne zgodbe dvanajstih sogovornikov, od tega je sedem predstavnikov prve generacije in pet druge. Na ta način sta se v izbranem vzorcu oblikovali dve skupini preizkušancev, med katerima se, glede na rezultate, pojavljajo nekatere razlike. Rezultati so pokazali, da obe generaciji pri sporazumevanju uporabljata oba jezika – jezik staršev in slovenski jezik, odvisno od okoliščin in sogovorcev. V večji meri je uporaba obeh jezikov oz. njune kombinacije značilna za prvo generacijo priseljencev.

Keywords:priseljenci, preseljevanje, raba jezika
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105373 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.11.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Knowledge and usage of Slovene language by immigratnts of different generations: On the example of municipality of Tržič
In this thesis, I am dealing with the problem of knowledge and use of the Slovene language of immigrants of different generations in the municipality of Tržič. Immigrants in this thesis are individuals who moved to Tržič from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, Serbia, Croatia and Macedonia and/or their descendants. I describe the similarities and differences that occur between individuals on issues of identity, the preservation of the source culture, language choices, self-assessed language skills or languages, relations with neighbours and discrimination. In the empirical part, I present personal stories of twelve interlocutors, of which seven representatives are the first generation and five the second. In this way, two groups of people were formed in the selected sample, among which, according to the results, some differences occur. The results showed that both generations use both languages - the language of the parents and the Slovenian language, depending on the circumstances and the interlocutors. The use of both languages and combinations of the two is to a greater extent more typical for the first generation of immigrants.

Keywords:immigrants, immigration, the use of language

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